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"How's my angel doing?~"

I lifted my head at the sound of Bob's voice. I've been in here for a few days at the very least, maybe a week now.

Bob sat a plate of meat and a glass of water in front of me. I have gotten too hungry to the point where I didn't even care what it was anymore. I felt him put a hand on my head, petting it before letting the hand fall to his side, exiting the room.

I sighed. I finished eating and set the plate down. I stared at the door.

'Escape Y/n, just book it out the door.' 'It's probably locked' 'but we don't know that' 'maybe if i just listen to bob i wont get hurt?' 'What about Lila and Jaune? The kids? Kevin and Streber?!'

I felt myself slowly get up from the ground and walk up to the door. I grabbed the doorknob and shakily turned it, being surprised it wasn't locked. I peeked my head out, seeing a dark hallway, yet nobody was in there. I closed the door behind my, before creeping to the end of the hall. I saw the front door, making me start speeding to the door.

I immediately opened the door, seeing a forest surrounding the whole cabin. I felt tears prick my eyes as i thought about seeing my friends again. I ran into the forest without a second thought, not even bothering to close the front door.

*timeskip, Bob's Pov*

I carried a deer on my back that I just hunted. I saw the cabin in view behind a few trees, noticing the front door was wide open, making me confused. I walked in and noticed that nothing seemed stolen. I shrugged, before walking up to the room that Y/n was in. I opened the door, not having to unlock it.

'Guess I forgot to lock the doors...' i looked in the room to see Y/n nowhere in the room. I dropped the deer that once laid limply on my shoulder.

"They escaped..." I pulled out the knife that hid under my sweater. That's why the front door was open. I slammed the front door back open and ran into the forest. She couldn't have gotten that far away anyway.

*Y/n's pov*

I walked deeper and deeper into the forest. It probably wasn't the best idea to try to escape with no real plan... It only took about 30 minutes for me to become lost. I groaned in annoyance as I ended up at the same rock i did almost 10 minutes ago.

My legs were soar since I barely walked for the time i was trapped in that retched cabin. I ended up sitting on the rock and stared at the ground. I was starving. I was tired. I just wanted to go home.

a noise caught my attention. The sound of metal clashing together. I felt shivers run up my spine as I knew where that sound came from.


I immediately got up from the rock, running the opposite way from the noise. The noise got quieter the more far away I got.

I stopped to listen for any nearby noises. I gasped for air as I stopped running. The sound of cars were heard, making overjoyed.

'I can finally go home!' I passed a few trees and bushes until i finally found what seemed to be a small town. I walked around seeing few buildings until I passed a small store.

I walked in, getting greeted by the person at the counter.

"Hello miss! What do you need?" The person asked looking at me with a small smile.

"I was wondering if you had any directions to (Town name)?" The person seemed to think for a moment before pulling out a few papers.

"Hmm... Ah! Here miss!" They handed me one of the papers.

"Thanks! Oh and how much does it cost?"

"For that? You can have it for free! There's multiple maps in the back." I smiled.

"Alright, Thank you! Have a good day!" I exited the store. Looking at the map, I noticed how far the town actually was. I groaned mentally. The town was almost a few days away if I walked. I guess I have to do more walking.

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