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I walked downstairs, seeing Bob restocking the small freezer that was locked in the basement. I tried to ignore the room, but I couldn't help but at least shiver from being in the room again.

"Sooo... how did get your 'food' so fast? Was there people camping?" He seemed to slightly freeze at the question.

"Well, there was actually a small town behind us that I never knew about... even found an abandoned house that we can possibly stay for a bit... well for at least a week or two until I find another house." He stated, closing the freezer door and turning towards me.

"But for now, I need to go on with a plan to draw the police more away from us." He sighed, walking over to the stairs with me following behind.

"what do you mean...?" I tilted my head to side in confusion.

"I'm gonna go into random towns and start killin' bunch of people. It may take a few days but it will surely work." I became worried. I mean, it might work... but it probably be hard not to get at least hurt when he would come back.

"...when are you leaving?" He didn't respond for a moment, trying to think of the best time to actually leave.

"Maybe in a week, so I'll get time to at least get ready." He shrugged.

"Am I coming with...?" Bob turned to me, his eyes widened.

"No! It's too dangerous. I don't want ya' getting hurt." I frowned. I didn't want him to do this. I didn't want Bob to get hurt either.

"Just promise that you'll be careful?" I asked. He sighed, looking me in the eyes. He then quickly moved his hands up to my back and pulled me into him. I blushed until I rested my head into the crook of his neck as he drew comforting circles into my back.

"I promise Y/n." Bob pulled me away from his warm embrace as he looked at my (e/c) eyes.

"Alright..." Bob pulled me to the couch, making me sit with him as he flipped through random channels. One though did catch me attention.

Breaking News

"As you may have seen on all of the news channels recently, the young lady named Y/n L/n has still not been found. Yet, today, we have been able to contact four of her friends right now."

the screen then showed a video of Lila, Jaune, Kevin, and Streber with a few trees behind the four.

Lila and Jaune looked liked they haven't slept in days, their eyes red and puffy from crying.

Kevin on the other hand, looked a little less tired from the two as he tired to cheer up Streber, who also looked slightly tired as their eyes were really puffy.

"W-we don't know what happened to her! It was almost like she just disappeared randomly!" The camera cut to Jaune, letting me see that she looked almost emotionless now. The only thing hiding behind those eyes were sadness.

"I remember leaving her house one night...If I had known that was the last time I would have seen her I would hug her and not let go." At the end, Lila seemed to tear up more. But what broke my heart was seeing a tear roll down her cheek.

"We truely miss her. I may have not talked or known her as much as Streber, but she is still my friend. I just hope she's safe wherever she is" Kevin sadly said tiredly, hugging Streber as he cried into him.

"Wh-why did she h-have to disappear?" Streber mumbled, covering his face in Kevin's shirt.

"P-please Y/n! If you end up seeing this, please come back..." Lila pleaded into the camera before the screen cut to the news reporter.

i sat there, laying on the couch in shock. I felt more and more tears leave my eyes and fall off my chin. I quickly brought my knees up to my chest, hiding my face as I laid my head onto my knees. I almost didn't hear the rest of the news until a name popped up.

"-Bob Velseb has escaped prison for at least a few weeks now. As of now, there was no evidence of his whereabouts until possibly now. A recent report of a person gone missing may have just led the police to him. Now the possibility of him being in a nearby town is likely. We advise everyone to lock their doors and windows to ma-"

A loud crunch was heard, startling me. I looked over to Bob, seeing his face full of rage. In his hand, was a crunched up remote. I looked over to the T.V, seeing that it was now turned off. I guess breaking the remote turns it off I guess.

"I leave tomorrow." Bob's voice boomed beside me.

"What?! It's not safe! The police are really close by from the murder! At least wait a week maybe!" I yelled back.

"I know that. But I just need to avoid that cluster of cops if I leave tomorrow, unlike how in a week, where they will be all around the other nearby towns." I felt my eye twitch in annoyance.

"But either way! It's not good to go out right now! What If they see you come back and follow you here?!" I growled.

"I would have to avoid them either way thought. Just please trust me..." i hesitated. If this man could survive multiple gunshots, being ran over, and even escaping jail, he could do this.

"I trust you... but please come home as soon as you can?" I pleaded.

"I will. I need to get ready now, ok darlin'?" I nodded, letting him walk to his room. I sat back onto the couch and sighed tiredly. I just hope he'll be ok...

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