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I groaned as I rolled out of bed. Turning off my alarm, I remembered what day it was. MY FIRST DAY OF MY JOB!

I rushed out of my bed, quickly grabbing my uniform before running into the bathroom. I quickly took a short shower, throwing my uniform on and slammed the door open. I run to the kitchen, about to make some cereal until I noticed the time displayed on the stove.


oh... my job starts at 10. I mentally slapped myself in the face. I sighed. I made the bowl of cereal before sitting at the table. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Pulling it out, I noticed my friend Lila texted me.


Hey Y/n?




Can you babysit Skid and Pump at 8pm? I have to work overtime tonight and Pump's grandpa is busy and his sister is going to be at a sleepover.


Sure! I'd be happy to:)


Thx N/n! I hope it doesn't cause you too much trouble!


Nah it's fine!

I smiled at my phone. I wasn't planning to do anything after work at least.

I finished eating my cereal, before looking back at the time.


"Now what?" I questioned myself. I looked over to my T.V. I shrugged, getting up from the chair and sat down on the couch, turning on the T.V.

Time passed as I watched a random cartoon on the T.V before checking the time once more.






I stared at my phone for about 30 seconds before running out of my house. I quickly sat in my car and drove quickly to Boys and Grills.

After about 10 minutes later, I arrived to the restaurant on time. I raced out the car and ran into a random door, making a big tall man holding a knife stare at me in confusion. I stared back at him as my cheeks turned red from embarrassment.

"Are you Y/n?" The man asked in a deep voice. I nodded, trying to turn my cheeks into its original color.

"Y-yeah, are you Bob?" I questioned.

"Yep. So... do you need help at all?" Bob asked.

"What do I actually do? I was given the job with no training for some reason." I said.

" Of course Dan hired someone without going into detail about the actual job... go into that freezer and pull out a slab of meat." He stated while turning back to a piece of meat in front of him.

I quickly grabbed some meat from the freezer and ran up besides Bob, setting the huge chunk onto the counter. He handed me a big knife before turning the meat towards him.

"First you cut the meat into smallish cubes, then once all the meat is cut you grind them in the meat grinder and mold them into patties for burgers." Bob said while holding up a small cube of meat and pointing a meat grinder that sat behind me. I nodded at him, making him slightly smile.

"Got it!" I told him, before quickly cutting the meat into cubes, almost cutting my finger off a few times. Only after 15 minutes later I finally finished the slab of meat. I turned to Bob only to see him working on his third piece. I stared at him in disbelief. He looked at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I blinked at him.

"How the hell are you on your third piece?!" I asked with amazement laced in my voice. Bob simply laughed before looking at me again.

"I've been working here for about a year now. You'll get used to it soon." He chuckled.

hours pass by and until we know it, its the end of the day. Me being tired was an understatement to say the least too. I looked at the clock.


I was gonna have to go home soon. I looked at Bob to see him cleaning some knifes in the sink.

"Do you need any more help?" I asked him. I glanced at me before smiling.

"No it's fine, but Dan might want to ask how your first day went." He looked back at the knifes. I nodded and opened the door out of the backroom. Dan stood behind the counter on his phone until he looked at me.

"How was your first day?" He questioned.

"Pretty good actually! I think I did a good job and I got along with Bob really well!" I smiled. Dan looked at me surprised.

"I'm happy your first day was good, but i'm surprised you got along with Bob." He sounded really surprised. I stared at him confused.

"Is he usually mean?" I asked, causing Dan to shake his head.

"No, he just barely talks to anyone here!" He said. I got surprised since we talked almost the whole time today.

"Oh... maybe I'm different!" I said jokingly in a sarcastic voice, causing Dan to laugh.

"Maybe. I'm gonna leave now, bye Y/n." He waved to me before leaving out the door. I looked at the time once more.


I really need to leave soon. I walk back into the backroom to see Bob finishing the dishes.

"Bye Bob!" I smiled at him. He smiled back at me while putting the last knife on a rack.

"Bye Y/n." Was the last thing I heard as I walked out of the building into my car. I hope I make it to my house before Lila and the kids get there...

ᦓ᭙ꫀꫀꪻꫀ᥅ ꪻꫝꪖꪀ ᥴꪖꪀᦔꪗ| Bob Velseb x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin