I tune out the old man's voice as he continues his lecture. Glancing at my phone, I find an email from Talia popping up in my notifications. My heart skips a beat, even though the subject line simply reads, 'Headcount Reduction Draft'. Opening the email, I partly hope to find an essay-long love letter from her. But my heart dips slightly when I find a very professional email with a list of names and titles.

I don't really know what to expect from her. We'll probably just go back to keeping things professional.

Except... My mind reels back to her naked body in the shower.

Fuck. I can't see a world where we'd be able to keep that up. I don't know if I could keep that up even if Talia is as wild as the wind - always changing directions and moving through my fingertips with no promise of staying.

"I got the list from Talia. And I'll take what you said into consideration," I say once Dad stops talking.

"Just send me the list. I have another task for you."

"I still need to review it. Plus, that'll just delay the process. And you don't need to bother yourself with it."

"Don't worry. I'd prefer to finalize it."

I sigh heavily. If history is any indication, there will be a lot of changes to the list after Charles Handler gets his hands on it. "Remember, it's not just me now. It's both Talia and I. So if you change anything, it'll be a long process and we really need to stick to the plan."

"Of course! It'll be okay, just send it now and I'll get to it as soon as we're done with this meeting so you still have time to look at it."

I release a long breath, not bothering to hide my annoyance, and quickly forward the email to him. At least I'll still get the final say. Dad's just wasting his time. I have every intention of changing whatever he puts together and I'm not in the mood to argue. "Sent."

"Excellent! Now, aren't you the least bit curious as to why I called you in here and what task I have for you?"

"Can't it wait until later? There's still a lot of work to be done on this merger."

"No, it can't. It's too good to pass up. We have a potential new client who saw our press release this morning and is interested in learning more about Legacy Wealth. I invited him to your mother's Labor Day party next week, but we need to meet with him sooner."

"I thought the party was just friends and family?"

Dad shakes his head. "Well, it's too late now. I've invited a couple of our clients who said they'll be coming. Anyways, this kid's name is Tucker. He's nineteen years old and just hit billionaire status after some successful app he sold."

"Oh wow. Why is he interested in us?"

"I don't know. But what I do know is that he'll be in Vegas tomorrow and it's the perfect opportunity to show him we're very interested."

I perk up. This could also be the perfect opportunity to get some space from Talia. Damn, it's weird though. The thought of getting away from her isn't something I really want, but need. I clench my fists and make a mental note to go to the gym later tonight. Once I'm able to let out some steam I'll be back in the zone. Work is something I'm good at, including the ability to woo over any interested client. "I'm on it. Send me the details and I'll catch a flight out in the morning."

"Not so fast." Dad shifts in his seat before leaning forward. "You'll need to bring Talia with you."

My stomach tightens and I shake my head. "That won't be necessary. I can handle it."

"I want this kid to see how serious we are with having you both there. Plus, who knows maybe he read the article and took a fancy to Talia's looks. We can't risk not having her there."

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