He rushed over to me. "Here" he gave me bag with pot inside. " come on" he went to his side with a roll of weed on his hand. I could smell it and was kind of triggering.

"What? Hell no! I'm sorry if you want to get fucked up, I'm not going anywhere with you like that. Just... no" I'm proud of my judgment. I threw the bag on the floor and started to walk down the opposite direction going nowhere.

"That shit's expensive! What are you doing?!"

"I'm leaving you to rot. That's what I'm doing." I kept walking. Fucker.

"Hey hey hey!" He came jogging to my side. He stopped me. "Come on I'll take you back, I'm not doing... This is not even for me. Ok? You don't know where you're going. Alright? Let's go" he put his hand on my arm.

"No, Chris, you're not ok, look at you, you're fucked up. I don't even know why i fucking came, you could've crashed you're probably high too, I can't even believe-"

"Ok let's just chill by my car until it blows over if you want. This road is not a good place to be alone at night, believe me. I can't let you go alone"  he just stood there.

I took a second before saying. "Since when do you care?" I went back and leaned against his car slowly.

He leaned against his car crossing one leg over the other and his hands on his pockets except for the one he had his lit cigarette on.

"That shit stinks" i said after a while of comfortable silence.

"I don't like you" he said trying to be funny. "Party pooper" his drag blows out of his mouth in the direction opposite from me amd i hear him chuckle.

He took a very deep drag in and got in front of me. He got centimeters  from my mouth and slowly let the smoke out. It never ended. But i know a little about comebacks. How funny.

When he let it out he was so close that i opened my mouth just slightly and breathed it into my lungs and held it.

I was starting to get red.

"Does it stink now"

I let it out just as slowly just that this time i got him in between the car and me and I almost planted a kiss on his lips. "Still does" i said.

He seemed surprised. He threw the burnt joint on the empty road.

"What are you doing ? Good girls don't have bad habits"

I gave him a nasty look to assure him. "there is no such thing"

He looked at me weird, with a sudden softness and blush. Almost fascinated. He pulled me by my hand close to him. Crushed me against him.

I knew he was drunk. "Chris leave me alone you're more than drunk"

"For the hundredth time..." He bit his lip quickly. "I'm not drunk" he paused for a minute in deep thought. "I know what I'm doing" he said looking at my lips intensively. I got nervous and probably steaming red in record time.
He turned me over so that i was against the car.

In that moment he gently grabbed my face with his right hand pulling himself closer to me. Leaning his head down. I froze, because his breath was hitting my cheek really hard. i decided to help him a little. I grabbed his waist when his lips were already touching mine and moving slowly over my frozen lips.

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