GYUVIN, past...2

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After days of isolation in the locker room, Gyuvin and Y/N continue to search for a way out. Luckily, Y/N accidentally discovers that the window in the ceiling can be opened from the inside.

With great effort and cooperation, they manage to push a small wooden box under the window and, working together, they finally manage to open it. With a mixture of relief and joy, they manage to get out of her, Gyuvin being taller than her helps Y/N get out by lifting her from her waist. Then with a jump he manages to get out too. After this moment in which Gyuvin had taken her by the waist there was a moment of tension and embarrassment....

Finally freed from their confinement, sunlight and fresh air welcome Gyuvin and Y/N. They leave the locker room with a feeling of liberation and gratitude for having helped each other overcome those difficult days of isolation.

After their shared experience in the locker room, Gyuvin and Y/N feel closer than ever. The deep connection developed during those days of isolation laid the foundation for a stronger, more meaningful bond.

Strengthened by mutual understanding, the two begin to spend more time together. As just friends, they explore new activities, spend evenings at the cinema, venture out on trips and immerse themselves in experiences that make them closer.

Confidence grows, and with it so does mutual attraction. Their meetings become more and more intentional, with looks that speak louder than words, smiles that last longer and a constant presence next to each other.

Shared moments turn into precious memories, strengthening the bond between them. Every laugh shared, every conversation that flows naturally strengthens the connection between Gyuvin and Y/N.

Emotions become more intense, feelings deepen. Through laughter and tender moments, they both begin to realize that there is something deeper between them. And as they explore new stages of their friendship together, the idea of ​​a romantic connection becomes more and more tangible.


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