WOONHAK, everlasting bones 4

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As the days unfolded, Woonhak remained a constant source of solace and support for Y/N. His presence became a comforting refuge in her turbulent world. With each passing moment, his unwavering companionship acted as a healing balm, alleviating her pain and bringing a sense of tranquility to her troubled heart.

Grateful for Woonhak's steadfast support, Y/N began to feel a profound change within herself. His presence felt like a panacea to her woes, as if his mere existence had the power to dissolve her worries and fears. Their bond had transcended the ordinary realms of friendship, evolving into something far more profound—a unique, irreplaceable connection that buoyed her spirits during her darkest moments.

Months drifted by, and as Y/N found herself standing at the precipice of her emotions, she realized the weight of her feelings for Woonhak. With a heart heavy with anticipation, she gathered her courage and finally chose to reveal her emotions to him.

"Listen," she began, her voice filled with a mix of nervousness and determination. "I've been wanting to tell you this for a while. I... I like you, Woonhak. You make me feel safe, understood, and accepted. Your presence in my life means everything. I wish for this to be everlasting, and I hope... I hope you feel the same way," she confessed, her words a testament to the depth of her emotions.

Her heart raced with uncertainty, hoping beyond hope for reciprocation. But the moment froze, leaving the response suspended in the air, the weight of Woonhak's reaction yet to be unveiled, a crucial moment in their journey yet to unfold.

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