WOONHAK, everlasting bonds

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In the small town of Crestwood, Woonhak and Y/N were known as the dynamic duo. Their friendship had weathered the storms of adolescence, standing the test of time since they first met in sixth grade. Their days were filled with laughter, mischief, and an unspoken understanding that they were inseparable.

One fateful evening during a routine sleepover, amidst the glow of a movie, Y/N succumbed to fatigue, finding solace on Woonhak's shoulder. Careful not to disturb her, Woonhak tucked her into bed, where she instinctively clung to him. Unwilling to disrupt her peaceful sleep, he settled in beside her, feeling an unexpected tranquility in her presence.

As dawn tiptoed into the room, Y/N stirred, finding herself enveloped in Woonhak's embrace. The warmth and safety she felt sent a flurry of emotions through her, leaving her with a newfound sensation—a spark of something unfamiliar yet captivating.

Woonhak, mindful of her rest, busied himself in the kitchen, crafting a delightful breakfast surprise. Bringing it to her bedside, he gently roused her from slumber. Y/N, taken aback by his sweet gesture, couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest.

"Thank you," she murmured, suddenly feeling a rush of shyness wash over her. Was it possible that her feelings for Woonhak were evolving beyond friendship?

As she pondered the unfamiliar sensations, their eyes locked, a moment suspended in time. The unspoken words hung in the air, hinting at an uncharted territory—a new chapter in their lives, waiting to unfold.

The future seemed uncertain yet brimming with possibility. Would they acknowledge the budding emotions and take a leap into the unknown, risking their cherished friendship for a chance at something more? Or would they choose to remain in the safety of their familiar bond, treading cautiously around unspoken feelings?

As the sun peeked through the window, casting its golden hue upon them, Woonhak and Y/N exchanged a tentative smile, silently acknowledging the subtle shift in their relationship. The adventure of their story was just beginning—a tale of friendship, love, and the delicate dance between what was and what could be.

to be continued.....


note from me: do you like this type of writing more? should I do it always? couse i've really enjoyed writing this^^

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