LEE KNOW, rival to lovers 2

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Chapter 1: Starting a New Chapter
After their graduation from Ivywood University, Lee Know and Y/N embarked on a new chapter in their lives. They both secured promising careers. Lee Know, with his passion for medicine, pursued his dream of becoming a doctor. Y/N, an ardent literature enthusiast, found her calling as an editor in a prestigious publishing house.

Chapter 2: Balancing Work and Home
As they pursued their careers, Y/N and Lee Know learned to balance their professional lives with their relationship. Their love remained as strong as ever, and they always made time for each other, nurturing their bond.

Chapter 3: The Joyful News
One evening, as they sat on the couch, Y/N shared some exciting news with Lee Know. She was pregnant. Their hearts filled with joy and anticipation as they embarked on the beautiful journey of parenthood together.

Chapter 4: Preparing for Parenthood
In the months that followed, Y/N and Lee Know diligently prepared for the arrival of their baby. They attended prenatal classes, set up a cozy nursery, and dreamed of the future as a family.

Chapter 5: Welcoming Baby Chan
The day finally arrived when they welcomed their little one into the world. Their son was born healthy and happy, filling their lives with boundless love. They decided to name him Chan, a name that symbolized their hopes for a bright and beautiful future.

Chapter 6: The Early Years
The first few years of Chan's life were filled with laughter, diaper changes, and sleepless nights. Y/N decided to take a break from her career to care for their son, while Lee Know continued to excel in his medical career.

Chapter 7: Family Adventures
As Chan grew, the family embarked on a series of adventures. They went on picnics, explored local parks, and read countless stories together. Every day was an opportunity for a new adventure, and their bond as a family grew stronger with each passing moment.

Chapter 8: "I'm FoiVe"
One sunny morning, as they sat at the breakfast table, Chan looked up with a bright smile and proudly announced, "I'm FoiVe!" Lee Know and Y/N exchanged knowing glances, their hearts swelling with pride and love for their growing son. It was a moment that encapsulated the beautiful journey they had embarked on together.

Epilogue: A Family's Love
As the years passed, Lee Know, Y/N, and Chan continued to build a life filled with love and happiness. Their family was a testament to the enduring strength of their love, the warmth of their home, and the beautiful adventures that awaited them in the years to come. They had discovered that life's greatest joys were found in the simple moments shared with the ones they loved.

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