🩵Coach Nelson and Mr. Spring 🍃:Part 1

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Charlie's Pov.

I finished straightening my tie and hurried through my small living room area of the studio I was renting, grabbing my laptop and totebag that contained my materials. I quickly locked my door before hurrying off to drive to work. I was running late for a staff meeting we had this morning, and I knew Mrs. Pine would give me that stern look as I snuck in quietly.
If she would stop giving me so many parent teacher meetings, then I would be able to get my work graded in time, instead of staying up late to get it all done. I hurried through the hallway, not realizing one of my drum sticks and fallen out of my bag.

I got to the door and took a breath before quietly entering the teacher conference. I'd only started my teaching job a year ago, but I was also the only music teacher here so they took advantage of signing me up for activities I didn't want if I decided to miss the meeting. Learned that the hard way.
I closed the door silently behind me before looking up. Everyone was staring at me, and I could feel the heat in my neck raise to my face.
"Sorry.. lot of traffic this morning" I fibbed lowly as I went to my seat. The only seat empty outve the long table of 15 staff personnel.

"Anyway.. As I was saying," Mrs. Pine, the vice principal, continuing despite my interruption.
"Don't forget we have the summer festival coming up , everyone needs to sign up and be in charge of an activity. I will allow pairs as long as each activity is covered."
"Oh and we have a new teacher coming aboard today so I want you to guide him if he has any questions. I expect him to find working here more than accommodating." She said.

Suddenly as if on que, there was a knock on the door. She looked over and grinned excitedly, something that doesn't happen too often.
Some of us looked at each other and shrugged, kinda weirded out by her reaction.
"Welcome! Thank you for coming in! Let me introduce you.." she exclaimed as he walked in behind her and to the small podium.
I gulped.
But the sudden knot in my throat stayed anyway.
"This is Mr. Nelson, he'll be our new coach for this summer." She said.
He wore grey sweats and a Nike hoodie, a blue lanyard hung around his neck that had a whistle, a set of keys, and his school staff ID hanging from it.

I gulped.
He was gorgeous..
I looked around as the staff whispered, a few teachers not at all pleased, and some a lot more then pleased. I rolled my eyes at the old women.
She went on to point each of us out and what subjects we taught.
"And this is Mr. Spring, he's our music teacher. He'll also be in charge of band this year so you'll be seeing him at festivals a lot." She said eyeing me.
I sighed, band. I love my band students, they're great , but it is a lot of extra work.
Though.... I will see him more often than others....
That is kind of a plus.
I shook my head from the silly thought , and noticed him staring at me, he smiled warmly as I looked down and gulped.
She motioned him to have a seat next to me so they would continue with the meeting.

I looked away as he pulled a chair up near me, he smelled like shampoo and fresh cologne.
All of a sudden I felt a nudge into my shoulder ,
"Hi" he said warmly , smiling.
I smiled and internally screamed as I whispered
"Hi" back.
We sat there smiling at each other for a second before we both looked toward the presentation.

Butterflies were flying around  in my throat as we all got up and slowly shuffled outve the meeting. The school bell rang and kids started flowing in from all directions. Not paying attention , i accidentally came to a stop as I crashed gently into the back of someone. I shuffled back,
"Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention" I started, I looked up and recognized the back of the hoodie. I gulped as I realized I had bumped into his strong back, as he turned around and looked surprised to see me but smiled.
"Hey no worries, I'm glad I bumped into you-" he started
He's glad? Was he planning to talk to me?!

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