🍂 🎃🧡Autumn: Part 3🍂🎃🧡

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🍂Nicks Pov🍂

I finished fixing my hair and came outve the bathroom so Charlie could start getting ready, I grinned passing him through the door way and snuck a quick kiss of his cheek and he giggled.
"You have to wait downstairs!" He said before closing the door, I laughed and agreed before putting my costume on in our room that I'd hidden well underneath our bed.
I could hear Charlie turning on the shower.

Walking over to our slim mirror that sat in the corner of our blue painted bedroom, I couldn't help but grin cheekily back at my reflection ,
..oh yeah, Charlie's gonna love this. .

I made sure the suspenders were in place before fixing my hat on.
I grinned and left the room to hurry down stairs, everyone should be getting here pretty soon.
I hurried down stairs and started setting up the  red punch on the table.
Charlie and I had made Jell-O shots last night that looked just like candy corn colors, I put a small bucket of ice on the table and put a handful of them in their to stay chilled.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, my head turning fast. "Nick! Get the door would you im almost done!" I heard Charlie call from down the stairs. I laughed and hurried over to the door in excitement.
I opened it to come face to face to a princess Tara and a zombified Darcy looking at me shocked and started laughing, I grinned
"Hey guys! Cool costumes!"
They laughed and came in
"Thanks! Yours is cool too, I'm guessing Charlie loved yours?!" Tara laughed.
I smiled and shook my head
" oh he hasn't seen it yet, he's still up there getting ready"
Tara and Darcy marveled at the decorations after walking in.

"Whoa you guys did a great job!" Darcy exclaimed and shook a skeletons hand that we had set up to sit in the corner.
I chuckled,
" thank you guys , we're both  glad you could come!" I said before the door rang again.
"Charlie! You done yet?" I called to the stairs before I opened the front door again to come face to face with Tao and Elle holding hands.

Tao was dressed like Frankensteins monster and Elle had dressed up as Frida Kahlo.
I grinned as Elle giggled at my costume and Tao shook his head in disbelief,
" only you Nick, only. you.." he rolled his eyes.
I grinned cheekily
" love your costumes guys! Very classic. Come on in, Charlie should be down any second" I smiled as they walked in and they marveled at each others costumes with Tara and Darcy.
They were all chatting while I decided to sneak up the stairs and see what was taking Charlie so long.
I knocked on our bedroom door and cracked it enough just so he could hear me.
"Char.. everything ok? Everyone's here now"
I asked concerned.

"Oh okay uhm, yeah, I think.. I think I'm ready. Wanna see first?" He chuckled but I could hear the lack of confidence in his voice.
I smiled " definitely, should I open the door fully now then?" I asked eagerly.
He laughed lightly
" yeah, I'm kind of curious to see what you dre"
But he didn't finish his sentence as I opened the door between us.
I covered my mouth in disbelief ,
" Char!" I picked him up and swung him around as he laughed and I set him back down in place and kissed his cheek.
" you make a great Indiana jones, you look so cute in that hat" I grinned flicking the front of it.
"N-nick.. what are you ..supposed to be?" He blushed as I took a step back to show him.
"Oh! I'm a fireman, is it not obvious enough?" I grinned and pointed toward my red hat and snapped one of my suspenders, my grey shirt a size down so it fit the part .
He scoffed and covered his mouth , but I could see his face was red.
"You Like it?" I grinned smugly and kissed his neck , he held a small thing of fake rope in his hand that was part of his costume.
My hand took ahold of his that was holding it and I couldn't help but smugly say
"Maybe later you can tie me up ..Indiana.." after kissing his cheek.

He grinned and nodded eagerly and kissed me in response and we started making out intensely before he pulled away and laughed.
"Nick , we have to get back to the party" he sighed abit after lightly squeezing my bicep , before shaking his head and taking my hand and guiding me out the room.
I couldn't help contain my cheeky grin as I let him pull me along, I couldn't get over how cute he was.

We hurried down stairs and everyone loved his costume, Tao was especially impressed.
Everyone went for the spooky Jell-O shots me and Charlie made. We all held one and did a toast with them
"okay okay, on the count of 3!
Darcy called out and we all shot them back , and they loved them!
Me and Charlie were so happy.
"Whoa these are great you guys!
You can hardly taste the alcohol!"
Tara exclaimed excitedly.
The door bell rang and I hurried over to answer it for the delivery man.

After the pizza finally arrived, we all sat around and ate happily in our costumes and then gathered round the tv with all our pumpkins that we had chosen together at our local pumpkin patch last week.
Tao had brought the original Ghostbusters film, Casper, and Hocus Pocus.

"Charlie said scary movies were off limits..
so I brought the classics" Tao said rolling his eyes but smiling anyway. Elle started teasing him for the design he drew on his pumpkin and he scoffed explaining that his design was clearly abstract.
Darcy was doing her best to dare Tara to eat the raw pumpkin seeds, which only made Tara laugh and toss a few seeds at her.
I smiled at Charlie and kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear,
"Thank you"
Before nudging his shoulder gently.
He leaned in and nudged my shoulder back and smiled nodding, before saying

We carved our pumpkins and set them up around the living room before Tara suggested having a dance party to the original "Monster Mash" song, so we all danced in our costumes in our living room full of orange and purple lighting , all of our pumpkins glowing together in an offbeat unison.
We all laughed and danced to the silly song , Tao spun Elle in a twirl,
While me and Charlie laughed at each others horribly awkward dance moves so instead we held both of our hands and kind of just let our arms go back in forth in motion.
Tara and Darcy giggled and danced in unison with each other.

" you're keeping that fireman hat and those suspenders on for the entire night,  by the way" he said softly but cheekily leaning in toward me ,I grinned excitedly in agreement and nodded. .

After finishing the movies and going through all the snacks and candy, the night successfully ended. The pairs of our lot leaving two by two in hand holding fashion after me and Charlie gave each one an individual hug good bye.
I closed the door and turned to look at Charlie in a mischievous way.
"Did you hear that?" I said in a fake worried voice,
"What?" He asked curiously

"That sound.. I think.. I think it's the fire alarm" I said grinning as I snapped one of my suspenders very cheekily.
He laughed and hurried up the stairs
"Indiana wait! I have to save you from the fire!" I called out laughing as I tried to hurry after him up the stairs of our home.
Flicking the downstairs lights off on my way up.
He laughed as I chased him toward our bedroom, reaching it just before I closed the door behind me.
He laughed and fell backwards on the bed as i attacked him with multiple kisses , I paused and grinned before undoing my costume suspenders, taking my ridiculously tight T-shirt off and putting my red hat back on.

"Wait ..can you ...put the suspenders back on ?" Charlie laughed abit, embarrassed
I laughed and shrugged as I put them back on briefly.
He scoffed and shook his head grinning, and I could see the blush rise in his face.
I chuckled and took the rope he'd been holding at his side and gave him a flirty look as I held it up and shook it,
a cheeky little grin on my lips.

Charlie laughed and sighed in defeat as he held his hands up together before briefly saying, as I started to attempt to tie the fake rope around them,

" god ..I love Halloween"

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