🍂💍The Ring:Part 2🍃❤️

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🍃Nicks Pov.🍃

I stared at the contents of the fridge, trying not to panic.
Shit shit shittt
I can feel him looking at my left pocket, waiting for my answer.
I immediately went to feel both of my pockets, somehow forgetting which one had my wallet/the ring, and which one had my keys/phone.
"Oh, it's just my wallet" I pulled my wallet Half way out of my left pocket as proof, hoping he wouldn't push it, as the ring box was just sitting down underneath.
Charlie was fairly observant.

"Oh, okay, you should be more careful, it looked like it was ready to fall out" he leaned his head against the door frame and smiled thoughtfully.
I smiled back at him, shoving my wallet back into the pocket and nodded.
"Yeah you're right, I'll be more careful. Thank you for noticing, that would've been bad if I lost it" I laughed in slight embarrassment, hopefully my face wasn't a dead giveaway of how relieved I felt.
He smiled back at me and nodded,
"Should we go out for dinner?"
If I give an excuse of needing to change, it'll give me a chance to hide the ring...
" oh, yeah! Definitely! I'm just gonna change real quick?" I exclaimed and walked past him towards the bedroom after giving him a quick kiss.

Shitttt , now where do I hide it at??
Wheres one place Charlie wouldn't go to, especially by accident?
I grinned.
My shoes.
Kind of gross? Yeah probably, but it's in a box and he's never going to look inside my vans, especially since he's a big converse fan.
Plus we're different sizes.
I went into the closet and hurriedly took the ring box out and wrapped it in a clean sock and shoved it as far back as I could into one of my vans shoes, luckily for me I kept my shoes on the far left side of the closet while Charlie kept his on the right hand side. I put them back into the back corner safely, before closing the door shut.
" where do you think we should go?" I heard him call out from the main room.
I quickly got changed, and put on a pair of jeans and a tshirt.
Hurrying out of the bedroom,
" oh uhm, not sure"I say nervously, I need to relax abit or he's gonna figure out something's going on.
"Hm.. how about pizza!?" He suggested.
I grinned "yeah, that sounds great."

Few days later

🍃Nicks Pov.🍃

I smiled , my heart felt so full, yet at the same time I could feel a lump at my throat. I sat there at our small just for two kitchen table, looking through the photo album that Charlie gifted to me on my 17th birthday. While he was at work teaching his new students, I have been going crazy trying to come up with the perfect plan to propose. I admit, I had a plan already half set up, but how I was going to make it happen was the question.
I looked down at the first photo of the album, the one of us in the sun at the beach.
And just like that , I knew exactly how I'd do it.
I looked at the clock, I had just an hour before Charlie got home, which would be plenty of time for me to get what I need. I grabbed my keys and headed out , my heart racing.

45 minutes later

I sighed and smiled looking down at the table, knowing it came out perfectly.
I walked over to the corner of our bedroom where Charlie kept his drum set, and sat it down on the seat perfectly. I had wrapped it in blue and gold star wrapping paper with a small yellow bow on top.
I checked my phone for the time and took a deep breath
I got this!!!
If he says no it's ok! maybe he just won't be ready, that doesn't mean we'll break up though right.
Right ?
Panic was clearly starting to set in as I heard the car pull up to park, knowing it was him.
I looked around , god I didn't think this part through!!
I hurried over behind the door of our bedroom, crossing my fingers on one hand as I gulped hearing the door of our flat unlock.
I held onto the ring box tightly, wait no !
I don't wanna scare him!!
I rushed over to the edge of our bed and took a deep breath, shoving the box back into my pocket.
I could feel my heart racing, trying hard not to show how anxious I was.
God I love him so much..

✨(Mature) Heartstopper:Nick n Charlie's Mini Stories✨Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang