🍂💍The Ring:Part 3🍃❤️

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Please be advised that this chapter contains very explicit detail /smut and is for Mature readers Only.
Thank you !🫶

🍂Charlie's Pov.🍂

The next morning

I yawned and turned over in our queen sized bed, sighing contently as I snuggled up to nicks cool pillow. I smiled, his smell was always so comforting to me. I couldn't help but to wish that I was snuggling with him properly right now instead, but sadly he was out at work coaching his team.
Nick ended up becoming a professional rugby player after University. Between seasons he enjoys coaching at a school near our flat, he's so happy and I'm beyond proud of him.

Earlier this morning I was laying my head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart, as his chest rose and fell with each breath while he slept, tired from our perfect night together. Sometimes, we don't even need to speak, just being in each others presence is completely comforting all by itself. That's what I love about being with Nick, he and I can be ourselves around each other, he's not just my boyfriend but he's truly my best friend too!

I stretched my arms and legs out abit before getting up and grabbing my phone off our night stand.
Nick Nelson: "Morning, fiancé. Be home round 1 after practice is out ❤️"
It read across the screen , and I could feel the huge smile form across my lips, my face flushing.
How'd I get this lucky ?
I looked down at my hand, hardly believing that the ring was real, it was amazing.
I can't imagine how long it took him to save up for it, I couldn't help but wonder when he started saving.
I typed back in a hurry with a goofy grin,
"It's afternoon now, fiancé ❤️"
I left my phone on my bed for a moment as I went over to go brush my teeth.
I stared at myself in the mirror, my face flushed, a smile frozen on my lips.
I'm engaged..
We're engaged..
Nick and I ..are engaged....
"We're getting married!!" I yelled aloud, I jumped up and down unable to contain my excitement, my arms flailing abit.
I giggled and took a breath, trying not to cry from being so happy.
I really,honestly never thought..
I never thought this could ever happen to me.
I never thought I could be so lucky.

🍃Nicks Pov.🍃

My phone buzzed in my pocket as I headed over to my car. I unlocked the door and got in, grinning as I read Charlies name light up my screen after taking out my phone.

Charlie Spring:
"It's afternoon now, fiancé ❤️"

I laughed shaking my head as I texted back
"I see someone overslept today.. Naughty naughty "
I smiled smugly, I'm so happy he said yes, I almost can't believe it , at this point I feel like I'm in a dream. I turned the engine on and drove out the parking lot and headed home to him eagerly .

🍂Charlie's Pov.🍂

I scoffed at my phone and typed back quickly,
" whatcha gonna do about it, rugby lad?"
I smugly put my phone down on the dresser as I gathered up a pair of fresh clothes before walking into the joined bathroom of our bedroom.
Nick had insisted we paint the walls a light blue and make it beach themed. Which to be honest I found kinda overhyped but he was so excited and cute about decorating, I couldn't help but agree. We had a seashell lined frame sitting on the white porcelain counter, that held a photo of us making a sandcastle at the beach. Nick had already started turning red along his arms, I smiled rolling my eyes.

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