🎄 ♥️Happy Christmas:Part 3♥️🎄

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💚Charlie's Pov.💚

I nuzzled my face deeper into the soft pillow of our large bed, the light smell of nicks cologne and the faint scent of fabric softener embroidered neatly within the threads.
I reached down and around half asleep trying to grab more blankets, my hand finally found one and pulled it up to my chin, trying to hide from the chill.
It was quiet with our cozy room, the only thing making much movement was the string of warm colored Christmas lights nick had put above our bed frame.
I reached over to nicks side of the bed, but all I felt was the blankets. My eyes opened up and I looked around, I half sat up on my elbows to peak over and see if our bathroom light was on. Sometimes he'd make a bathroom trip in the middle of the night, but it wasn't very often. I looked toward the bathroom door, the lights were off, but I noticed our bedroom door was cracked.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes ,
I guess maybe he's down stairs already?
The sun was barely starting to rise, letting us known as the light outside was still light blue.
All of a sudden I heard bells.

I raised an eyebrow , okay he's definitely up to something now.
I heard the bells shake, again.
This time was very deliberate.
I heard shuffling down stairs, this alone already had me up and out of bed.
I shivered as I was only in my shorts, I grabbed Nicks brown hoodie  that usually hung behind our door.
I zipped it up and shoved my hands in the pockets, it was very big on me so it hung off my frame.
i hurried down stairs to see the back of a bright red Santa suit that was moving something under our tree near our gifts.
I put a hand over my mouth, I couldn't believe my eyes.
"What in the hell" I said in disbelief,

"Nick?" I asked , shocked as I walked down the hall.
He turned around fast as if he'd been caught,
I scoffed trying not to laugh as Nick , or shall I say St. Nick , turned around in a Santa suit with a fluffy white beard and a Santa hat.
He had put a small throw pillow under neath the top of his suit so he had a "belly" but it was just the shape of a square.
I laughed, "Oh.. My. God"
"Ho  ho ho" he said in a booming voice and stomped over,
" you caught me young man!" He said seriously,
A giant grin plastered on my lips,
"I Am So taking a picture of this to show the gang later."I said lowly.

"Have you been a good boy this year?!" He said in the booming voice again,
I scoffed, and decided to tug at his fake white fluffy beard.
"And if I haven't Santa? Are you gonna put me on the naughty list?" I said sarcastically.

He looked abit taken aback , before chuckling
"I don't know, Charles, do you think you should be on the naughty list ?" He chuckled breaking his character.

I shrugged and snapped his red overall,
"Possibly " I smiled slyly.

He chuckled,
"Well! Regardless, I traveled all the way from the North Pole to bring you a Very special gift" he went back into his Santa voice.
I laughed and rolled my eyes,
"Really now" I smiled.
He grabbed a fairly large box from under the tree, the one he had been fiddling around with as I had walked into the room.

"Merry Christmas, ho ho ho" nick boomed as he sat the large gift on the couch for me, he was trying so hard not to laugh.
I chuckled and sat down next to it before taking the lid off.
It was a giant red box with a huge white bow on the top.
I took the lid off and peered inside,
A small golden Labrador puppy slept quietly in the corner of the box, with a small candy cane plush next to her as she slept.
She had a little red collar on her neck , and there sat a  little gold bell along it.
I was stunned.
I covered my mouth and looked at Nick in awe,
"Really?" I said shakily.
"You really got me a puppy for Christmas?" I asked.
He nodded excitedly,
"I figured since we had to leave Nellie and Henry at my mums house before we moved, it was time to get one of our own. And we can take her over for play dates too " He sat down on the sofa , along the other side of the red box.
"Nick" I said all teary eyed and whiny.
He grinned and ruffled the side of my curly bed head.
"I love you Charlie"
I sniffled and got up to sit on his lap,
"I love you too Nick" I said happily.
I went to kiss him but stopped before I got to the beard.
I chuckled and yanked it down,
He laughed just before I kissed his lips once.
I pulled back and looked at him contemplating,
"What?" He asked curiously.
I took the white beard off and threw it behind me, this made him scoff.
"You took my beard! You really should be on the naughty list" he said back in his Santa voice.
I chuckled and rolled my eyes after getting up.
I took his hand and walked him outve the living room and toward the stairs.
"Wait what about the"
He said confused

My face was blushed as I determinedly walked Nick up the stairs.
" Come on St. Nick, I wanna show you how naughty I've been" I said lowly .
He scoffed but I could sense the giant grin on his face.
I walked him through the bedroom door and closed it.
The sound of his suit being shuffled,
The sound of our making out against the back of the door was the only noise in the room.
The it was the shuffling of clothes.

"What about-" nicks voice was cut off by my answer.
" The suspenders stay Santa" I chuckled as I pushed his coat off and threw the pillow to the floor.
Nicks smile was as wide as it could possibly be.

I gently pushed him down on the edge of our bed, just before sitting on his lap.
His hands went to my sides,
"Is this the part where I ask you what you want for Christmas?" He chuckled as he reached up and tucked a curl behind my ear.
"Probably, but I already have what I want" I smiled slyly as my arms wrapped around his shoulders.
My legs on either side of his hips, as I sat on him.
He smiled in reply just as we started making out slowly.
I reached up and too his Santa hat and put it on,
I pulled back as his hands rested back my lower back.
He smiled and flipped the small puff ball to the side.
He laughed,
"Happy Christmas Charlie"
I grinned contently and nodded once in agreement,

"Happy Christmas Nicholas"


"Ho Ho Ho" I teased him pretending to do his Santa voice
He laughed and rolled me over,
" Stealing Santa's hat, now you're really in trouble!"
We laughed as he tickled me against the soft blankets.
We started kissing again after he pinned my hands down,
But all of a sudden a bell chimed in , as a golden ball of fur came stumbling in.
We stopped and looked as the puppy came in, her candy cane toy in her mouth as she ran along side of the bed, wanting help up.
Nick laughed and with one swoop he picked her up with one hand and placed her on the bed.
She jumped around and threw the candy cane up in the air. We sat back and laughed as we played with her by tossing it around.
We sat up against our headboard, nicks arm behind me as we cuddled with our new puppy, as she tired herself out so quickly .
I yawned and leaned into him as I nodded off
"We're not done with the suspenders yet..Nicholas"
He laughed lightly, and kissed my forehead.
" Merry Christmas .." he whispered.

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