💖Mr. Matchmaker Nelson💖: Part 1

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💖Nicks Pov.💖

The phone was already ringing at my desk , I closed the door to my office before setting my things down. I sat down and yawned before picking up the phone, doing a great job of faking my charismatic voice, or customer service as most call it.

"Good morning, this is Mr. Matchmaker, Mr.Nelson speaking. How can I help you find love?"

The client on the phone was very enthusiastic and had questions about her profile, I pulled the phone away from my face to silently yawn.
I encouraged her to make an in person appointment so we could go over it to make sure everything was accurate, and to set up dates as soon as she was available to.

I got calls like this the entire day, if I wasn't answering questions on the phone or setting up dates, then I was doing it in person.
Was becoming a matchmaker my career choice ?
Not exactly, but it pays my bills and it's nice to see when it works out. Plus the way I see it, I'm helping people find love, and that was pretty nice.

Lunch came round and I decided to meet up with my best friend Tara. We met up at a cafe down the road from my work. I sat there stirring my hot tea, she came tumbling in and grinning as she hugged me to say hello.

"Hey! How've you been?!" I asked
"How's Darcy?" I grinned.

She looked at me, excitement in her face.
"What?" I asked suspiciously.

She yelped and held her hand out in front of me to show the glittering ring on her finger.
"We're engaged!!!!! Can you believe it!" She squealed.

We talked about how the proposal happened and where they want to get married at.
And then she thanked me.
"Nick, I can't thank you enough, if it weren't for you , I never would've met Darcy! Please come to the wedding yeah?!" She grabbed my hand and squeezed it, I grinned and agreed, happy to have been of help.
"Ofcourse" I said.

And while I was genuinely happy and excited for her, I couldn't help feel abit sad, and I had no idea why.

I was replying to the many emails I had stacked up on my plate at the end of the day. I was just about off in an hour, when suddenly the phone rang .
I picked it up doing my best not to sound tired ,
"Hi good afternoon, this is Mr. Matchmaker, Mr.Nelson speaking. How can I help you find love?"

"Uh, yes , hello , I'd like help setting up a profile for my brother. " an unsure monotone voice said on the other end.
I smiled.

"I see. Unfortunately I would have to meet with the actual client to set up their profile, it's against the rules to set up one without the client's involvement and agreement "

"Oh. I see. ..."
She paused briefly..
"If I ..can get him to agree to meet up, can I still set up an appointment for him now?" She asked.

I thought about it, obviously she cares about her brother and is doing this because she cares.
"Normally I would say no, but I think it's very kind how you're trying to help him, and it's obvious that you care for him, so I'm going to say yes. If you are able to have him meet with me on his own terms, then yes. We can set it up for Wednesday, at 11AM?" I asked looking at my Calendar.
She agreed and thanked me,
" we can meet up at Clara's Cafe so it'll be a lot less intimidating for him" i explained.
She agreed noting that it was a good idea.
"And what was his name just so I have it down in my schedule?"

"Oh yes, of course. It's Charlie, Charlie Spring." She said in a more hopeful voice.

🍃🍃🍃Wednesday 🍃🍃🍃

I arrived walking into the quaint cafe, it was a very indie hole in the wall and had the best pastries.
I arrived a few minutes early to stand in line and ordered my usual tea and almond tart. I carried my order over to my usual table and  set up my laptop.
The place was full of plants and local artwork, hung with twinkling fairy lights that stayed up year round, and always had the best music playing.
I opened up the documents needed in order to set up his profile , incase he did show.
I had let Tori , his sister, know that if she couldn't get him to come then to not worry about the fee.

The bell to the front door rang, a red headed gentleman walked in and walked to the counter. I raised a brow, maybe him?
I should have had her describe him to me .

🍃15 minutes later 🍃

I sighed and stretched, and started to close out the programs on my laptop.

I proceeded to pack up the rest of my stuff when all of a sudden I heard a voice in front of me.
"Sorry to bother, but are you Mr. Nelson?" He asked .
I looked up.

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