6. Another meet

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It has been three weeks since the anniversary party, and both families have grown close.  

Rishi, Mihir, Naina, Meenakshi, Sarthak, Nidhi, and Advait have started considering each other brothers and sisters.

But Advait doesn't consider Naina as his sister nor does she consider him as her brother.

(Imagine how messy the story would get if that weren't the case)

Naina even went with Meenakshi to the latter's doctor's appointment because she was insisted and requested several times. She denied it thinking it would make her life more complicated and would also make the unborn baby's life a hell even before she/he entered the world. But at last, she agreed after receiving a threat from Meenakshi.

She couldn't control her tears on seeing the little bundle of joy moving little and little in the ultrasound machine.

She hasn't experienced watching a baby move, but after hearing the heartbeat of Meenakshi- Sarthak's reason of happiness, excitement, joy, and many other emotions. She also wanted to experience being a mother.

She has a soft spot for children, but that doesn't mean she wants to marry someone.

She has removed the idea of marrying or loving someone. She even refused to hear the words 'Love' and 'Marriage'. But it was neither because of being betrayed in a relationship nor because she had any childhood trauma related to marriage.

But because of her firm decision, considering that 'Love' makes a person weak & 'Love' comes with responsibilities. 

She believes that SHE IS A CURSE, that can destroy the life of someone with whom she is connected too.

She never wanted to make relations with anyone except the already made ones but her friendly nature didn't match her choices. And she always ends up making relationships(not romantically) or friends.

She always tried to avoid everyone and not talk or be involved with anyone as little as possible. She has always tried to indulge herself in her work.

Arora's was also the same case. She never wanted to be connected or attached to them, but being a family friend couldn't help.

She regretted saying those words to the Arora Family, 'cause she never wanted any more people in her life any more relations. But now she couldn't help. She having of humble nature towards everyone except HER FAMILY, couldn't cut it off.

Now once the relationship was joined, her relationship with Advait's family can't just be broken, it would make her, her family, Advait's, his family, and everyone whose life is connected to them complicated. Which she can't afford.

She has already been blamed for several other things and doesn't want to increase her burden.

She always has disappointed her parents and family and doesn't plan on doing more. 

She has always been misunderstood and doesn't want to have more of it.

She was already done with her life.

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