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John had asked Adrion to check on his father for him. It was the first time he'd heard from John since the incident, but he seemed worried. He'd said that William hadn't been answering his calls for a couple days now, and come to think of it, he hadn't stopped by U-Mart for a few days either.

The young man walked up to William's apartment. Interestingly, the door was cracked open. Perhaps William had come home and forgotten to close the door. Unsure of the situation, Adrion slowly opened the door, only to find two people standing in the middle of the living room. A tall, scary-looking white-haired man with brown eyes. The other person was a woman with red hair. Her eyes were closed and her ability was active.

The white-haired man noticed him standing there, and turned his attention to Adrion. "Who are you?" he asked.

"Get out of here if you know what's good for you," the white-haired man said, ignoring his question completely.

Adrion obeyed, not wanting to find out what he'd do to him he didn't listen. He raced to grab his phone and dialed John's number.

"Adrion?" John asked on the other side of the line. "Any news?"

"John, I stopped by your dad's place after work," Adrion said. "And there was this scary looking white-haired man at his house."


"Yeah, and he had a lady with him too. I c-couldn't tell what they were doing, but before I got to say anything, he just don't me to 'get out if I know what's good for me.'"

"What the f*ck? What about my dad? Where was he?"

"I-I didn't see him." He paused briefly, mustering the courage to speak his mind. "I don't know, John, I think something might have happened to William."

. . .

"What's taking so long?" Cameron asked impatiently, turning back to Scarlette, who was using her ability to try and sense the past.

She shushed him harshly. "You're distracting me," she said. "Go wait in the other room."

He scoffed. "What's with that tone?" he muttered to himself as he went to the next room, looking back at her through the side of his eye.

He walked into what he assumed was William's office. It was smaller than he would've thought. He tried to access his laptop on his desk, but it had been wiped clean. He had his doubts that William had done it himself, but he had nothing to show otherwise just yet.

Cameron's eyes lit up as he activated his ability, using one of the abilities he'd saved for this moment to sense the hidden objects around him. Something hidden inside the ceiling caught his eye.

He took the box out of the ceiling compartment and sifted through it, taking out various photos. They were all of Jane, William himself, and a child he assumed to be their son, John, who had Jane's eyes, he noted.

He grabbed another piece of paper. It seemed to be a letter. His eyes widened with realization as he recognized his older sister's handwriting.

As he read the letter, he silently ridiculed Jane for backing herself in a corner by marrying a cripple. The strong should never be with the weak; it's too much of a liability.

"Cameron!" Scarlette's voice called from the other room. "Come here!"

He rushed to the living room. "You found something?" he asked.

"The man you're looking for," she said, her voice somewhat shaky from the vision of the past she'd just witnessed. "He's dead. He was murdered by two people who forced their way into his house last week."

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