Into Darkness

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"Terrence," Arlo said, his hands in his pockets. Seraphina stood silently to his right. "What an unexpected surprise."

Terrence sat there silently, repeating in his head what Orrin said would happen if he were to spill anything about Spectre.

"What happened to John?" Seraphina demanded. "Where is he? What did you do to him?"

"I disabled him," Terrence said. "He's likely being beaten right now—"

Seraphina raised her fist to punch Terrence with the full force of her ability. Arlo raised his arm to block her from getting closer to him.

"Keep your cool," he said. "Injuring him will only make it harder to ask him questions."

"I won't answer you anyway," Terrence chimed in. "You high-tiers are all the same. You all think that by flaunting your strength and suppressing those at the bottom that you're making a difference. You think you're making the world a better place. It's a universal constant with high-tiers. Just because you were born strong, you feel the need to suppress those below you. Well, I hate to break it to you, but now the ones at the bottom are rising up. And you and other high-tiers like you will be the first to go."

Seraphina lost her cool and punched Terrence square in the face, knocking him out. Arlo grabbed her wrist and glared at her angrily.

"What the hell, Seraphina?!"

"John is currently in an unknown location, probably being tortured and beaten and all we're doing is listening to this idiot rant about his ideals on the hierarchy! When we should be looking for my—" she took a deep breath, blushing slightly. "My friend."

"You're right," Arlo conceded. "But we shouldn't be letting this get to us. We need to alert Headmaster Vaughn first and he can send a search party."

"Okay," she said. "I agree with that. I'll head back to Wellston and tell Vaughn. You bring Terrence back after me."

Arlo nodded and activated his ability, picking up Terrence and hoisting him over his shoulder. When he turned back around, Seraphina had already disappeared.

- - -

Leilah and Kayden walked together towards the infirmary. Leilah was furious. She was sent on a vacation, only to find out that while she was away Orrin had ordered a hit on her sister and her friend. At the very least she could talk to the friend and figure out what was going on.

As the two entered the infirmary, John sat up from his bed and tilted his head curiously. "Who are you two?" he asked puzzled.

"My name is Leilah," she said. "This is Kayden, my assistant. I'm sure you know my sister, Seraphina?"

John's eyes widened at the mention of her name. "Sera?" he asked. "Where is she? Is she alright? I almost forgot about her."

"As far as I know, Sera is okay," Leilah said, a hint of relief in her voice. "I have my own people keeping tabs on her."

"Good," John said. "Because if they did anything to her, the minute I get my ability back, I would teach them a lesson!"

"I see," Leilah said. "So they did take away your ability. Figures."

"Yeah," John said. "That Orrin guy told me they could give my ability back if I worked for them. Is that true?"

"It is," Leilah said. "But I'd be careful with Orrin. He's very deceptive. It's likely he has some sort of ulterior motive in mind."

"Thanks for the advice," he replied cautiously. "But why are you helping me? You're part of the organization who took my ability."

"That's where you're wrong," she said. "Orrin runs the largest division of Spectre, but I am not a part of his group. He is the one who abuses his power with the disabler, not us."

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