Beginning of the End

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The defense of Wellston Private High School from the forces of Spectre had officially begun. The Spectre agents were completely unaffected by the dampeners, since the machine had been activated before they arrived and the dampening field wasn't constant. It existed long enough for those inside it to be dampened for fifteen minutes, anyone who entered afterwards would be immune to the effect unless another field was generated.

Perhaps, John thought, they could use that to their advantage. If they called outside forces like Vaughn, Keene, and the other faculty, perhaps Spectre wouldn't risk generating another field in order to keep their men at full strength.

At the same time, this was Orrin. Orrin held no value of his men. He had been all too ready to murder Terrence for insubordination. Who knows what he'd be willing or unwilling to do in this situation?

"Remi!" he called, deciding that regardless of the situation, they should call Vaughn and the faculty. "Send someone with a speed ability to alert Headmaster Vaughn about the situation."

"I'm probably the fastest one here besides Seraphina. I'll go myself."

"Okay," John said. "Good luck."

"You too. Stay safe everyone."

She sparked up and dashed away towards the exit with lightning quick speeds. She was definitely slower, but she was still barely visible as she ran. She dodged and weaved through the dozens of mid-tiers, each of them trying to stab or slash at her. She flawlessly dodged each attack with swift reflexes.

"She'll do a good job," Seraphina said, standing next to John, battle ready. Blyke also ran up to the pair.

"I know she will," John agreed. "Let's just hope the dampening field is limited to the gym, not the whole school. As far as I know, the radius of the fields aren't that big, but maybe they've improved the technology."

"We'll get through this," Blyke said. "We may be at half strength, but that doesn't mean we're weak."

"Right. Blyke, how long has it been since you've been at mid-tier level?"

"Not since middle school."

"Try to remember everything from when you fought at this level before, that's the easiest way to get through it. I made the mistake of not doing that the first time, and it cost me my ability. Keep your eyes open, they'll likely try to disable you and every high ranker here."

"Understood." Blyke separated from the two, blasting various Spectre agents as he went to assist Isen and the other Elites.

"What are we gonna do?" Seraphina asked.

"We just need to hold our own until Vaughn and the others get here," John said, firing off a black and gold beam that pierced through two Spectre agents simultaneously. "Until then, we just need to hang on a little more."

Seraphina, in the blink of an eye, took down four Spectre agents. They laid splayed out across the floor at her feet. "Got it," she said.

"This is why I love you," John said, prompting a blush from the girl.

. . .

Aurielle was holding her own against the Spectre agents, but her strength level had significantly decreased. If she had to guess, she was back to being a low-tier. A higher level low-tier, but a low-tier nonetheless.

The fact she was managing to decently defend herself, she decided, meant that whoever these guys were, they weren't much stronger than mid-tiers. She noticed a handful of strong abilities here and there, but their targets were the higher ranked students, higher than her at least.

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