"This feels wrong without Isen," Blyke said. "It's all my fault. If only I was stronger, I could've avoided getting captured and Isen would still be here right now."

"Don't blame yourself, Nobody," Kuyo said calmly.

Nobody. That's what the Weeper had called him during his capture. Just a nobody. In a twist of irony, Blyke had chosen that as his vigilante name as a middle finger to the Weeper.

"It was my fault," Kuyo continued. "I'm the one who wasn't able to protect you from the Weeper and I caused Isen to leave."

"Guys, let's get back on topic!" Remi called from in front of them. She, Blyke noticed, was more determined to stay focused than she normal was. Normally, she's very airheaded, absentminded. But now, she was far more concentrated. It was almost scary.

"Right," Kuyo said. "Nobody, I need you to take a sniping position. The truck will be coming through here soon. When it does, I need you to shoot out its tires so X-Rei and I can engage in closer combat."

"Sounds like a plan," Blyke said.

"X-Rei, I want you to be careful. If these criminals are boosted, it may be more dangerous than we expected. After what Nobody and I experienced in Grasshill, it seems like stronger people are gaining access to amplifiers."

"I'm still upset that you two went out there on your own," Remi pouted.

"We didn't have time to call you," Blyke said. "You were too busy planning that new club you won't tell me anything about."

"Stay focused guys," Kuyo said. "I think I hear the truck. Nobody, get ready."

Sure enough, the truck drove through the street below. Blyke charged two small beams from his fingers and shot towards the wheels. The shots connected and the tires blew out, forcing the truck to a screeching halt.

"X-Rei, let's go!"

Kuyo and Remi leaped down from the rooftop and landed gracefully a few feet away from the truck. Kuyo summoned a blade and Remi generated lightning around her body.

Before they could even react, several chain constructs burst through the cargo door of the truck and wrapped around the two vigilantes. Another set of chains shot out and wrapped around Blyke as well, yanking him down to the ground, knocking him out.

"Nobody!" Remi shouted. She generated more lightning and tried sending it into the chains, but they wouldn't conduct. Instead, Kuyo used his blade to cut his chains as well as Remi's.

However, more chains shot out from the truck and wrapped around Kuyo's blade, yanking it out of his hand, causing it to disappear. Kuyo created two small blades and threw them at the chains, breaking them and shattering them.

Blyke finally regained consciousness a few minutes into the fight. He saw Remi and Kuyo struggling with the attacks from whoever was inside the truck and charged up a beam to knock the criminals off-course.

He shot the beam towards the truck. However, just before the beam connected and blasted the truck, a large orange disk-shaped wall blocked the beam, absorbing its impact.

He shot a knowing look towards Kuyo. "It can't be Lennon can it?"

"No, we already beat him," Kuyo soothed his worries. "This is a similar ability, but noticeably different."

Their conversation was interrupted by a beam bursting out of the truck and blasting Kuyo in the side. He fell to his knees and held the wound.

Remi rushed over to him and checked out his injuries. "Ponytail! Are you okay?" she asked. "Nobody! Give us some cover!"

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