"Invisibility? Makes sense that you'd join the Press Team, I suppose." Isen scribbled down the notes in his notebook. Perhaps he was getting closer.

"Yeah, I can turn invisible for about fifteen seconds. I also have a slight speed boost that allows me to get away in that amount of time."

"Ah, so it's like some sort of flight response, right? Danger appears so you go invisible and run away."

"Yeah kind of," Terrence sighed. "Look Isen, I think I'm gonna have to call it." He got up and headed for the door.

Isen sprung up and went to the door, getting in front of it and blocking his exit. "I've still got some more questions!"

"I don't care, I have class that I need to get to."

"Class can wait."

"No it can't! Get out of my way, Isen!" He shoved him out of the way and walked out the door. He mentally sighed, relieved he managed to walk away without giving him too much information.

- - -

"Well?" John asked. "What did you find out about him?"

"Not much," Isen said. "The only thing of value he mentioned was that he's from Kirkon. Which, in of itself, isn't too helpful."

"No," John concurred, "it isn't. But it's a start. If you can, dig through his elementary and middle school records. You may find out more there. Try asking some of the staff as well to see if they know anything."

"I'll see what I can do," Isen said. "In all, though it'll be difficult to find anything of worth with this guy. He's a total mystery."

"You have my permission to work with anyone you trust," John said. "If you need any help with it, ask Blyke or Remi or both to help you out."

"I doubt it'll come to that, but I'll keep it in mind."

"Good. Well, I'm gonna head out. Let me know if you find out anything else."

"Got it!"

. . .

"So I had Isen look into that Terrence kid today," John said as he and Seraphina strolled down the street together.

"Really?" she asked. "Did he find anything yet?"

"No, but he confirmed that he's acting strange," he replied. "Nothing I didn't already suspect, though."

"This whole situation is odd to me," she said. "I mean, we thought this invisible guy was just someone trying to mug us. But the fact there's a chance he and Terrence are the same person on top of the fact that he's been lying about his level? It's all very strange."

"I told Isen to check his records," he said. "If my hunch is correct, his records may be falsified. If that's the case, then this could be way deeper than we thought."

"Why would his records be falsified?"

"I'm not sure, but if they are, it likely means he has help. Not just help, but help from powerful people."

Seraphina's lip twitched as she thought about the possibilities. This was all extremely unsettling to her. "What if we're not safe because of this?"

"Well, we're high tiers, we can handle ourselves," John reasoned. "I'm worried for everyone else. Blyke, Isen, they might not be strong enough. Hell, Arlo might not be strong enough. We don't know who's behind this, but regardless of if his records are falsified or not, Terrence isn't working alone. There's no way he'd be able to do all of this himself."

"Let's stop talking about this, it's making me nervous," she said.

"Agreed," he replied. "Let's head to Woaba Boba."

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