One Year Later...

Start from the beginning

"X!" Ponytail shouted, drawing a second blade and rushing towards the two EMBER operatives. "Get away from him!" He zipped past them and felt a burning pain across both sides of his torso. He wailed in pain and stabbed one of his blades into the concrete below him, leaning on it and looking at his friend.

"Quick," X-Static muttered weakly. "G-get out of here while you still can!"

Ponytail panted heavily from the pain and the exhaustion of running around trying to fight them. "I'm not leaving you!" he insisted. He turned around to fight, but the two operatives were already at his sides, slashing across him.

X-Static clicked his tongue and charged up more voltage, trying his best to strengthen himself to get up. Volcan and the other operative were ready to deliver the killing blow on Ponytail, but just in the nick of time, X-Static grabbed both of them.

"What are you—?" Ponytail asked, staring at X-Static. His best friend. The one who was by his side for as long as he could remember.

"Take care of yourself, alright?" X-Static said soberly. Volcan exclaimed as a massive storm of lightning fell from the sky, engulfing all three of them. Ponytail blocked his arms before running away from the lightning. "Go!" X-Static shouted. Ponytail ran as fast as he could and climbed up to the roof of a nearby building to watch out for the possibility of salvaging anything from the fight.

However, it was pointless. Volcan and the other operative were hovering over X-Static's body like vultures, and Ponytsail was forced to leave shortly after, hating himself for just watching as his best friend was killed just for trying to be a good person.

F*ck EMBER. I'll avenge you, Rei...

...I promise.

- - -

John walked up to the bathrooms, only to notice that a mid-tier, probably a freshman who thought he was strong, was picking on another student. John sighed and walked up to both of them.

"Excuse me," he said sternly. "I have to use the bathroom. Move." He glared angrily at the mid-tier. The mid-tier didn't budge. He simply stared blankly at John.

"Wait a minute," he said. "I know you! You're John right? You're supposed to be the school Ace, right? Well, I've heard an ability level as high as yours is pretty rare! I don't think you're really as strong as you say you are."

"Really," John said, growing tired of the conversation already. "If you wanna challenge my title, by all means go ahead." He crossed his arms and activated his ability, a black and gold aura surrounding him.

The mid-tier gritted his teeth and powered up as well, a purple aura forming around him. John could sense his level. He was definitely not strong enough to beat John. The mid-tier got into a battle ready stance.

"G-Gavin," the other kid said. "I-I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Gavin slammed a fist into the other's mouth, shutting him up. "Shut up, worm!" he shouted. "Speak only when spoken to, you worthless weakling!" The kid glared at him angrily, but stayed silent.

The whole attack sent John into a fury. He walked up to Gavin and gripped his wrist. Within a split second, he twisted Gavin's arm, causing the mid-tier to cry out in pain, before snapping it at the elbow and kicking him into a locker. "Keep your hands to yourself," he growled.

Just as Gavin was about to say his remark, John sensed someone else's aura channels lighting up. The other kid had suddenly disappeared and now John could see the invisible outline of him running away at impressive speed. For some reason, his aura felt stronger than Gavin's, which puzzled him. Why the hell would he be beaten by someone like Gavin, when he was strong the whole time?

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