No Anger

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The room was dark and empty. The silence was deafening and John could hardly breathe. All he could think about was dying. Right there, right then. He wanted it to happen. He wanted someone to just kill him. He'd have done it himself, but he could hardly move at all in his restraints. The heavy metal door in front of him scraped open loudly, the sound was unexpected and caused John to jump in his seat, the light that came from the now open door blinded him momentarily before he saw the outline of his biggest fear.

Keon stepped into the room and closed the door behind him, turning on a dim overhead light that just barely lit up the room. "Good evening, John," he said. His voice was smooth and snake-like. It was the voice John despised for these past three months. At least he thought it was three months. That's how long he heard he was supposed to be there, but he had lost track of time an eternity ago. "Are you ready for one final lesson?"

John swallowed his breath. "Yes," he said submissively. He had learned not to fight against it or else bad things would come to him. He didn't want to deal with that again. "I'm ready. Do what you have to." John didn't notice, but Keon smirked slightly and activated his ability. John saw his channels light up with aura instantly through his passive. John turned to face him as Keon brought his hand to John's forehead and touched it, sending a wave of red aura flooding into him.

With a flash of red, John's mind blanked for a brief moment before showing him a twisted, broken memory that he had seen over, and over, and over, and over again...

. . .

John was beating down the King of another school in New Bostin's region. He smiled gleefully as he repeatedly punched the unconscious boy. As he kept punching, he briefly felt a hand on his shoulder, followed by a quick and rough push. John barely moved, but he glared angrily at his "attacker". His burning gold eyes met with Adrion's.

"Adrion! Did you just push me?" he asked, shouting. Adrion winced and flinched backwards.

"I— uh," Adrion stuttered. John stood up and inched closer to him, causing him to back up again.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" John yelled, stepping closer.

"John please," Adrion finally mustered up the courage to say. "This needs to stop! You're taking it too far! They haven't done anything to you. Let's just call it for today and head back. You've already won."

John felt the anger burn inside of him. He looked up and glared at his friend. "Shut up!" he shouted, punching Adrion hard across the face. "What the hell do you know? Don't you dare tell me what to do! This is Turf Wars! If I don't beat the sh*t out of them, then they'll do it to me! Is that what you want?"

Claire couldn't take it anymore. She was watching this whole time, but she couldn't sit back and watch any longer. "Guys, stop it!" she screamed.

John just ignored her. "That's how sh*t works!" he continued screaming at the unconscious Adrion. "But of course you wouldn't know! Because you get the luxury of hiding behind me all the time!"

John felt somone grab his arm tightly. It was Claire. He glared at her as she started shouting at him. "Hey, cut it out!" she cried. "That's enough! We're on the same side!" John ignored her and elbowed her in the cheek, sending her backwards with a hard thud.

"Let go!" John shouted. "Don't stand in my way!" He slapped her square across the face. "What the hell is wrong with you two? I'm out here boosting New Bostin's status while trying to master my ability, and you're both yelling at me and rooting for the opposite school? Wow, way to have my back!"

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