Start from the beginning

"Ok." Taylor sighed knowing he got his work cut out for him. "Skyler look at me." He placed both hands on her shoulders. "Take a deep breath with me."

"I don't have time for this right now." She tried to pull away but he held her in place.

"Come on Sky. Take a deep breath with me. It'll help you calm down, help you think more clearly. Come on." He urged.

Skyler sighed in resignation. "Fine."

"Deep breaths in." He and Skyler followed his words. They held it for a few seconds "Now deep breaths out." They both released their breaths at the same time.

"Ok. Now that we've practiced our breathing, cleared out mind, we can think clearly on what to do."

"Ok." Skyler let out another heavy breathe feeling to release the invisible weight on her chest. "I need to call Nada, she's the planner. There must be a reason why she's not here. She doesn't seem like someone who would ditch something this important. I need to have a talk with the head of the sound crew so we can work something out and then I need to check with the others is everything is set and ready."

"Ok. See, that's good. You have a plan and steps. You follow it."

"Yeah." A smile broke on her lips. "Thank you Taylor."

"I told you I am here whatever you need, alright?" And Skyler nodded her head feeling greatful and happy that Taylor was with her.

"Now do you need some pain killers?" He took the small backpack off his back and readied to open the zipper. "I have something a little mild. It won't leave you dizzy or sleepy, just to take off some of the pain."

"You brought a backpack?"

"Yeah. Where else would I put the supplies in?" He rolled his eyes like that should have been obvious.


"Yeah. I got  pain killers, some sweets, mostly chocolate and the likes. Tampons and pads, whichever you prefer. Some hot pads too if you want to relive the pain, you'll just paste it on your belly." He fumbled with the zipper so to open it.

"I got a flask, it's just vodka and whisky. I got some advil, a bottle flask of hot water because I know that helps, some smelling salt should in case you pass out and some  Xanax, I think it'll help." He moved closer to her "and if you want something stronger. I got some weed. You know, if you need some relief, to release some tension."

Skyler's face of gratitude quickly changed into a scowl. "You brought drugs in here?" Skyler eyes widen in horror.

"Oh please, it's fine. Besides, there'll be directors, actors and the likes coming in here soon, if you think they haven't taken or do have some on them, then think again."

Skyler shook her head but a smile formed on her lips. Taylor could be caring when he wanted to, but he was still Taylor.

"Thank you Taylor. Really."

"Of course Skyler. I know this job means a lot to you and you're trying to maintain the demeanor of a strong non-menstrating male in front of your boss. I'll do anything to help you."

"Taylor." Skyler's voice shook and her eyes shone  with tears. Taylor looked back at her in horror.

"Don't do that and don't go falling in love with me alright." He said smugly. "I know it'll take a lot of work as I'm simply irresistible but you have to try, or else it'll make things awkward at the loft."

Skyler rolled her eyes at him. "It won't be easy but I'll try. You are as irresistible as a blub of goo. But I'll give it my best. We won't want you feeling awkward after all." That earned a chuckle from Taylor.

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