11: Alone

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I eat with Annie, Armin, and Mikasa

"Huh? Eren been missing for 5 days... how he can get food?" Armin said and looked up.

"I think there many animals? He can kill and cook?" I replied with smirk.

"I see three you obsession with Eren." Annie said in glare at three. "Yeah, we still worry about Eren because he's my best friend." Mikaaa replied and glare at Annie.

Annie looked Bertholdt not here. Man opened the door. "EVERYONE!" People looked at man.

"I can't find Bertholdt's body! Bertholdt is missing!" Man yelled.

Everyone was eyes widened in shock. "What?"

"I found Bertholdt's bed was bleeding on the floor and bed." Man yelled. Annie eyes widened in shock.

"What? What happened to him." A soldier shouted.

"I don't know we still explore Bertholdt's body." Man replied.

Man leaves and everyone talked about Bertholdt.

Armin noticed Annie was shock. "Are you okay, Annie?" Armin asked. Annie was ignored him and looked down.

I can't believe... I lost Bertholdt and Marcel... just me and Reiner... what should I doing! I wanted to go home... I don't want to stay here. Annie thought.

"Annie?" Armin called, Annie looked up at him. "Yea?" "Are you okay?" Annie can't say anything.

"I see you don't want to say about Bertholdt." Armin said. Annie starting mutter quietly "I can't believe he went missing..." Annie replied quietly in shock. "Bertholdt missing like Eren..." Armin grabbed her hand. "Don't worry we will find Bertholdt and Eren!" He replied smiled at her.

"Armin..." Annie said softly.

I know Bertholdt already dead by Eren... I don't know Bertholdt is Colossal Titan... Eren take him and killed him without reason. I thought

I looked down at my left hand and gripped my left hand. "I will find him very soon." I said quietly. They can't hear me. Mikasa placed a hand on my right shoulder. "Hey Krista." I looked up at her. "We will find Eren!" She shouted.

I smiled. "I believe we will find him very soon." I replied. I noticed her stare at Annie. "You still hate Annie?" I asked her. "Yeah, she hurt Eren I got angry I wish I beat Annie." She replied angrily.

Someone entered the door. "HEY!" Everyone stand up and looked at person.

"Erwin send me, he missions for all. He said "Goal to find Titan the who saved humanity". He want me to you find that Titan!" Man yelled. Everyone placed on chest to heart.

"Yes, Sir!" Everyone shouted and hurry get ODM gear.

Man sighed "You need find group full of 4 people!"

Armin sighed. "Commander Erwin wanted all to find Titan..." Armin said with smirk. Annie, Armin, me, and Mikasa are group.

"Damn I don't want to with Annie!" Mikasa muttered angrily. Annie gasped "Okay." "You hurt Eren!" Annie head lifted and looked at her. "He want me fight him... then I lose 1-2" she replied.

"Wow, Eren stronger than you." I replied. Annie looked at me. "Yeah he beat me... he know my weakness." She replied frowns

Armin noticed her frowns. "Annie, don't worry you still strong girl." Armin said with smiled.

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