Chapter 15

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When I got home, I threw my purse on the floor and chucked my heels across the room. Angry tears streaked my face as I replayed my conversation with Jeremy.
What the fuck?

Confusion, anger and shame washed over me like a tidal wave. How did I get myself into this mess? I choked back tears. This was new territory for me and I needed to talk it through. There was only one person I wanted to talk to and I was really, really desperate for her.

Dropping to my knees, I scooped up my purse and texted Cora, ignoring all the missed calls and texts from Theo.

Me: 🤬
Cora: It's 2am!! 😴
Cora: What's up, babydoll?
Me: Call?
Cora: That bad?
Me: Yes
Cora: I'll be right over!

While I waited for Cora, I took the hottest shower my body could handle. If it was possible, I wanted to wash the entire evening away. After my shower, I dressed in comfortable pjs, threw myself on my bed,  and stared at the ceiling, allowing my mind to numb.

I heard a small knock.
Thank, god!
As soon as I opened the door, Cora wrapped her arms around me. Just the mere presence of my best friend, unlocked a new level of tears. Sobbing, Cora led me to the living room clutching my shoulders, and we both collapsed onto the couch.  Nestled into my dear friend, I cried until I couldn't produce any more tears.

After what felt like an eternity, Cora stirred, "Alright, what the hell happened?

I shifted uncomfortably, "It's Theo...It's not going to work out. I don't even know what we are, but I won't be his 'pet'. Tonight I had a rude awakening of what I got myself into, and I'm not sure I want to venture that direction." I gave a pathetic smirk and wiped my nose on the sleeve of my sweatshirt.

The range of emotions on Cora's face would have been comical, but we were simply not in the mood. She settled on a look of confusion with a hint of agitation once my words registered, "Hold the phone, his pet?? What in the hell are you talking about?" Sitting up, she moved to the edge of the couch and turned to face me.

I looked into her eyes, and blew out a long breath, "Theo and I had a nice dinner and we ran into an old friend of his. We met up at the club and things got—interesting. After a few drinks, I basically dry humped his friend and asked to have a threesome."

Shock rolled over my friend and a smile illuminated her face, "Oh. My. God. My delicate little flower??? Did you do it??" Rolling my eyes, I had a slight blush as memories flooded back, and I tried to stuff them back.
Nope, not yet.
I'm not going there until I spill all the tea.

Without going into too much detail, I did my best to explain, pushing through my exhaustion. At a later date, I'll fill her in on everything. Right now, I just need to vent.

"Basically, Theo is a pimp and I was his next project for his little posse."

Cora let out a long breath. "Wow, if he was here, I'd punch that perfect face of his and kick his dick in. What an asshole!" She punched the couch letting out the rest of her frustration. In a more calm tone she continued, "So what are you gonna do? You work for the guy and things are incredibly complicated."

"Oh, it's not complicated. I'll look for another job."

"Yes, but you can't hide from him while you are looking for another job, Abs. You still need to work. I wish I could hire you, but money is a little tight this month." Cora sighed as she thought of something that could fix my problem. It wasn't an easy fix, and I knew I'd have to muster the courage to get through this mess I found myself in.

My thoughts went  back to what Theo said about not mixing business with pleasure and I felt a pang in my chest. Silence filled the room.
Well, damn.

Cat & MouseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora