Chapter 6

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My heart skipped a beat at the new notification.

As I read the text from Theo, my body yearned for him to touch me more, to do bad things to every inch of my body. My limbs became liquid, while the brightness from the screen blinded me into a numbness of indecision.

What am I going to do?
My stomach was in knots.

Am I supposed to listen to my body and give into my sinful desires with my boss, whom I will have to see on Monday morning at the office, god help us or shall I do the right thing and go home?

Perhaps I've had enough fun for the night. There was a bit of sadness at this last thought, but I still mulled it over and over again.

Maybe a song or two played by the time I had made my decision, but I couldn't tell you which ones they were if my life depended on it. My mind was so full of out comes running rampant, that I just couldn't allow another thing to occupy space.

Smoke probably emerged from my ears as I thought about the rest of my night.

It was time.

Pulling up my big girl panties so to speak, I made my way to the coat check. Either way, I needed to get my coat and call an Uber, right?

Walking into the lobby was a cool and refreshing contrast from the loud bumping that caused every cell to bump right along with the music. More mild here, it was nice to have my hearing back, even though there was a slight ringing.

Saloon girl was sitting on the counter, examining her nails as she waited for any human interaction. She caught my movement from the corner of her eyes, which were now glimmering with anticipation, and she perked up.

"Hiya, doll! Are you here to check something else?" She asked hopefully.

"No, actually, I think I'm gonna call it a night." I retrieved my return ticket from my wristlet and the Saloon girl delicately plucked it from my fingertips.

"Oh, what a pity for me." she pouted. Swinging her legs behind the counter, the Saloon girl hopped down, sauntered to the coat rack and returned with my jacket. Placing it on the counter, she leaned over the desk making sure that the top of her corset was in prime view to meet my gaze.

"I'm here almost every night. Come back for a visit, and I'll make sure you have a real good time. My name is Naomi, so don't be shy." She clicked her tongue and winked.

So much for the cooler temperature. My body was now reaching a scorching heat with Naomi's flirtatious nature and gorgeous body. She twirled her hair around her finger as she waited for me to respond.

"I'll make sure to keep that in mind. It's very nice to meet you Naomi. My name is Abby. Perhaps, I'll see you sooner than later." I teased.

"Cute, I'll have to keep my eye out for you." Naomi waved and blew me a kiss.

Walking towards the stairs, I paused to pull my phone from my basket, and found it open to the text from Theo.

Tingles ran up and down the length of my body as I quickly opened the app for an Uber.

Cora: What up Dorothy? Just checking in.

Cora: It's like after midnight... 🫣

Me: Cor, I'm fine. Just getting an Uber 🙄

Cora: Cool, just txt when you get home.

Me: Okay, mom.

Cora: I'll throw my Chancla at you, better knock that tude off!

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