A Fresh Start

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Although I have enjoyed my stay here in New York City sadly today is the day I head back to San Diego. Moments before my alarm clock goes off I lay awake in my bed as I sigh deeply laying there playing with my curls. "Alright time to get up so I can get myself together before I head back to the airport." I say quietly to myself as I raise up. Quickly I gather my belongings up and pack my clothes and place my luggage by the door. As I turn around to head towards the bathroom I notice Gabriela passed out on the sofa with her tux jacket thrown over her chest. I didn't even know that she decided to stay here honestly and I don't even remember getting in the bed. "I guess we talked each other's heads off again." I say as I make my way towards the shower. Gabriela suddenly knocks on the bathroom door. "Good morning Savanna. Im sorry I fell asleep on the sofa but what time is your flight? Maybe we can grab something to eat before you go." Anxiously I wash up before turning the shower off and wrapping myself up in my towel. I crack open the door as I look at her smiling. "Hi Gabriela. I didn't even know that I passed out in the bed and left you on the sofa. My flight is at 8:45 but last time I checked the time it was a little after 6:30. What time is it now?" She looks at me speechless as she wraps my curls around her fingers. I catch my breath as I smile. "Let me take you to the airport so that we can say goodbye together." I nod as I place my hand on her chest, "I would love that actually but what do I do about the rental car?" Before I can say another word she kisses me deeply as if it's her last time ever seeing me again. Nervously I bite my bottom lip as I rest my head on her chest as she holds me tightly. We stand there for a moment before I raise my head up and look at her. "I can take care of all of that. I just need you to come with me please. I have a surprise for you so hurry and get dressed." Quickly I close the bathroom door as I feel a rush of energy flow through my body. I throw my hair up and brush my teeth and wash my face. She really does have a way to sweep a girl off her feet. I throw on my hoodie and my jacket, my gold Rolex watch, my distressed blue jeans, my brown leather boots and spray myself with my Tom Ford Rose Prick Eau de Parfum Fragrance. Excitedly I slowly open the bathroom door as I spot Gabriela sitting by the bar. "All ready to go?" I say as I close the bathroom door behind me. She quickly stands up and stares at me for a while before nodding her head yes with a casual smile. "Even when you throw on casual clothes you still look breathtaking and you smell like a goddess." she says as she grabs my hand as we walk towards the door. I look at her with a smile, "I know it's a pretty cold morning but thank you. Um did you wanna freshen up or anything?" She opens the door as she grabs my belongings and closes the door behind us. "I'm good. I actually went down to my room and showered and everything while you were getting yourself together and then I came back and waited for you." Surprised I finally decided to actually take a real good look at her. I didn't even realize that she had a whole new outfit on. Suddenly I caught a whiff of strong cologne coming from her direction. "Im sorry I must still be half asleep this morning. I didn't hear you leave the room or come back but you clean yourself up pretty nicely and I don't know what cologne you have on but I love the scent. It fits you." She smiles as she blushes and looks at me as we make our way down the elevator. "Why thank you Savanna. The scent is actually called Jump Up And Kiss Me Ecstatic by Clive Christian. I usually go for musky luxurious masculine scents." That scent is definitely musky, luxurious and masculine. Really does make a woman wanna jump up and kiss her ecstatically. "It smells really good on you but what if I did jump up and kiss you?" I say jokingly as we walk out of the elevator and head towards the front desk to checkout. "I would love to see that happen beautiful." she says flirtatiously as she kisses my forehead. Gabriela quickly moves me off to the side as we approach the desk. She looks at me and nods and smiles as she says "I already have us checked out of our rooms and the rental car is taken care of. We can start heading to the airport. We have a flight to catch." Shocked and surprised I look at her with a big smile as my cheeks start to hurt. Who would've expected this to happen? She's quick on her feet I see. We happily grab our bags and start heading towards the parking lot as the front desk clerk wishes us a safe flight. As we approach Gabriela's car I am in complete shock. How did she manage to pull all of this off and all I did was go take a shower? She really does amaze me. "You ready to go home?" she says excitedly as she opens the passenger door to her all black Rolls Royce with red leather seats and a diamond themed rooftop. She really is living her best life. I quickly get in the car as I smile happily as she places our bags in the trunk after closing the passenger door once I settle in. She gets in the driver's seat and starts the car up as she places her hand on my thigh while pulling out of the parking lot. "Gabriela whose car is this?! This is really nice and i've never been inside of one before." She looks over at me as she smirks. "This is all me right here baby girl. I know they say money can't buy you happiness but why not blow it on something nice for yourself while you have the chance to you know?" I nod excitedly as I take a look around the car. As we arrive at the airport Gabriela fixes her tux jacket on her all white tuxedo. She's definitely living the life that all of us dream of. We make our way inside of the parking garage and she parks her car. A strange man pulls up beside her car and quickly gets out and walks up to the drivers seat window and knocks. Nervously I look around her shoulder as I stare at the unknown man. "Don't worry Mi Amor he's just here to chat with me. Im having my car shipped back to San Diego and this is the guy who is doing it all for me. His name is Miguel. We met during a work conference but can you believe im actually his boss?" Gabriela says as she kisses the back of my hand. As I feel my fear fade away I smile and nod my head as they chat. She then steps out of the car and walks over to the passenger side door and opens it for me. "After you my lady." she says softly as she waits for me to step out of the car before closing the door behind me. She grabs our bags as we make our way inside of the airport. "I already have this part taken care of as well. No public planes. We have our own private flight with just us two so we can enjoy some alone time together. You okay with that?" Speechless but completely flattered I shake my head yes. "I cant believe you're really doing all of this for someone like me. I don't even know how to properly thank you enough for everything. This is honestly incredible. Nobody has ever done anything like this for me before. I don't even know what to say." As we approach Gabriela's plane she looks at me and says "I know you may not know what to do with this experience but you don't have to thank me for anything. I put all of this together for you because a woman like you deserves to be taken care of and catered to as well." she kisses me as we make our way onto the plane. Inside there's light brown leather seats, a stand with fruits, wine and wine glasses, a tray full of any snack you could possibly think of and flight attendants waiting for us to be seated with a smile. A man walks over and takes our bags from Gabriela as we sit and make ourselves comfortable. "Ready to take off when y'all are." the man says as he smiles and nods at both of us. Gabriela tells the man thank you as she grabs two wine glasses off the stand beside us. She signals the pilot to take off as she pours both of us a glass of Louis Roederer Cristal 2008. I strangely look at the gold bottle. "Um what is this? Why does it look so fancy?" Gabriela smiles as she places the bottle back on the stand. Handing me my glass she says "Oh this old thing? It's Louis Roederer Cristal 2008. This champagne bottle alone is worth a good $13,995. Trust me it tastes just like the price, rich!" she says excitedly as she raises her glass. I don't even know what to say right now. All I can do is smile and blush. We make a toast to us as we both take a sip as my eyes widen. She was right this does have a rich taste. However Im curious, how does she afford all of this and where is the money coming from? "Can I ask you something and I don't mean to offend you or anything but how did you manage to make all of this happen? Im pretty sure it costs you a pretty penny." I say curiously while placing my glass down. She clears her throat before she places her glass down and holds my hand. "Outside of my career I also have my own businesses. Remember when I said im Miguel's boss? Yeah he works for my private law firm. Everyone on this plane works for me as well. I have over 6 multimillion dollar companies all over the world which is another reason why I travel. I knew that I didn't wanna settle in life and take the normal route that everyone takes. You know the 9-5 and live paycheck to paycheck not that there's anything wrong with that but that has never been me. I didn't come from a wealthy family or anything either. My parents just always told me to chase my dreams and never look back so that's exactly what im doing. I get it im not your typical 25 year old woman but this is all personal for me. I owe this to myself. It wasn't always easy along the way believe me. There were times when I wanted to give up when certain businesses would fail but I quickly pushed the negativity to the back of my mind. Millions of people have told me that they want my lifestyle but who's really willing to put in the work it takes to get here? I have a lot of support from friends and family but most of my family is in Puerto Rico where I was born and raised. When I finish everything that I wanna accomplish for myself I plan on buying them all homes and moving them around wherever they wanna go. I know it's gonna take some time but I know I can do it. One day I also plan on getting legal custody of Ava as well but I just have to sort some things out with Miranda first." As she takes a sip of her champagne I stare at her and smile lightly. I pick up my glass. "I admire you without a doubt. You really do have so much talent and potential and I can't wait to see what else is in store for you Gabriela. I mean multimillion dollar companies in your name, law firms, private planes, people who ship your car state to state and you're only 25?! I don't even know what to say but I would love to make a toast to you!" I say excitedly as we raise our glasses. After a few more hours of conversation we arrive at the San Diego airport. Gabriela quickly stands up as she holds her arm out so we can walk arm in arm. Her attendants grab our bags as we all make our way to her car. "Thank you Miguel." she says as she pats him on the back and hands him a check. I can't really get a good look at it but if im not mistaken it was written for $50,000. A whole $50,000 check just for transporting her car?! Hell at this point let me work for her too. We make ourselves comfortable in the car before pulling up to an unfamiliar house. "I just need a few minutes to run inside and grab Ava. Um would you like to come in and speak? Miranda wouldn't mind." Nervously I unbuckle my seatbelt as I nod my head slowly. She holds my hand as we make our way towards the front door and she rings the doorbell. A lady opens the door as she smiles and greets us. "Hey Gabs. Ava is almost ready and trust me she's been expecting you. All I have been hearing constantly is Mama Gabby. Oh I see you brought company." she smiles softly and waves at me as she welcomes us into the house. Gabriela looks at me and nods her head as I tightly hold her hand. This is a beautiful home. I wonder if Gabriela has something to do with this as well. Ava, a pretty little girl with long dark brown hair that flows past her back and big bold brown eyes wearing a pink polka dot dress and white sandals, quickly runs up to us. Excitedly she yells "Mama Gabby you're home! I missed you so much. Am I coming with you this time?" Gabriela picks her up, kisses her cheeks and gives her a big hug before putting her down. "Yes Mija you're coming home with me so do you have your bags ready to go? Did your mom feed you yet or are you hungry?" Completely ignoring Gabriela, Ava looks over at me as if she's fascinated. "Woah. You're really pretty. What's your name?" she says happily as she smiles at me. I pause for a moment as I look over at Gabriela as she nods and smiles. I lean down towards Ava. "Ive heard so much about you. My name is Savanna but you can call me Savy and thank you for the compliment. You're really pretty too. I love your polka dot dress." I say nervously as she reaches her hand out and touches my cheek. Miranda quickly walks over to us and looks down at me. "Ava can be a bit of a talker. I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. Im Miranda and knowing Gabs I know you heard all about me but you don't have to worry about me or anything. I actually just recently remarried but this coparenting thing just works for me and Gabriela because Ava wants the best of both worlds you know?" Gabriela looks at Miranda and Ava before looking back at me. "You guys seem so nice but I have heard nothing but good things about the both of you and I am honored to finally meet you. Congratulations on your remarriage by the way." Ava looks up at me as she laughs and tugs on my jacket. "Mommy this is Savanna. Isn't she so pretty?" she says happily as she stares at me. "Yes she's beautiful Ava. I'll let you guys go now though I know you probably have some settling in to do. Give mommy a kiss baby." Miranda says as she picks Ava up and kisses her cheek. We all then head out the door and Gabriela makes sure that we are both settled in the car safely. She places her hand on my thigh as she looks at me and smiles. "So what do you think? Nice family huh?" she says as she chuckles and drives away. Suddenly I feel nothing but excitement and peace around me. This may actually work out well for me.

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