Love Kills, Fuck Love..

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As the sun beams into my room I bury myself under my dark blankets. While the words echo in my head all I can do is lay there and feel the burning tears roll down my face. I didn't sleep well last night but you should know why by now. I roll over out of bed as I throw the blanket on the floor. Stepping over my shoes and clothes scattered all over the room I head into the bathroom as I stand in the mirror disgusted by my appearance. What do I do now? Move on? Keep trying? Reach out for answers? Anxiously and broken down I throw my messy hair up in a ponytail and wash my face but all I can feel is numbness come over my body. I quickly throw on my sweatsuit and slides and grab my belongings. Once I make it to my dorm room door I stand there for a moment wondering if I should even go to class today or just sleep what feels like a nightmare away. "I cant let this stupid situation stop me from getting an education because I didn't come here for Mrs. Summer Reign or whatever her fucking name is." I mumble to myself angrily as I forcefully open my door and slam it shut. Silently I walk to class with my head down. As I come upon the entrance to Mrs. Reign's class I see her heading in my direction. Great speaking of the devil. "Hey there beautiful girl I missed you." she says happily as she leans towards my cheek giving me a few kisses. I don't say anything I just give her this hateful look and walk into the classroom. She walks in behind me as all the other students follow behind her. "Good morning my lovely students. Im sorry I couldn't make it yesterday I had a bit of an emergency but I hope Mr. Jakes taught you everything you needed to know for today's quiz." she says cheerfully as she settles in. Looking around nervously I take a seat in my usual spot as I look around wondering why Arielle didn't show up. What a coincidence, you break my heart and then disappear? Clever. As we all settle in and get comfortable before starting our quizzes what do you know Arielle walks in the classroom late. She's wearing this short black knee high skirt with distressed tights underneath with this red crop top and her hair falls down to the middle of her back. She's not an ugly girl or anything she's very attractive I will say that. She's a light skinned girl with dimples and big pretty hazel eyes and these perfectly rounded lips. Guess Mrs. Reign does have a type after all. Mrs. Reign gives the class a look as she sits down and places a timer on her desk prompting us to start our quiz now. Spaced out I rest my head on the desk as I hear the timer ticking. "Savy why aren't you taking your quiz? You only have 45 minutes to answer 100 questions. You might wanna start on it missy." Mrs. Reign says jokingly as she clears her throat. I can feel everyone's eyes on me as I raise my head up and pick my pencil up while staring at the paper blankly. Truthfully this all feels like a good dream gone wrong. Uninterested I start to skim over the questions as I quickly choose random answers. Once the timer goes off the class starts to head to the front to turn their quizzes in but I wait behind. A student stops by my desk and asks me if im okay because he notices that I dont look like myself at all today nor am I acting like myself. I look up at him as I shrug and get up and place my quiz on Mrs. Reign's desk. She looks into my eyes as she places her hand on mine and whispers "I would like a word with you after class." as she places my paper in the basket with the others. I quickly move my hand and walk back to my desk and sink into my chair. After the bell rings everyone starts to grab their belongings and head out. As im standing up Mrs. Reign urgently closes the door as she tells everyone to have a good day. "Hm, am I free to go?" I ask with a frustrated tone as she stands inches away from me. She walks over to me and wraps her arms around my waist as she looks up at me with that same look that got me caught in this mess to begin with. "What's wrong baby? You seem off. What's going on in that pretty mind of yours?" I guess off is one way to put it. Completely turned off by her touch and her appearance I look down at the ground as I shake my head. "Nothing. Don't you have somewhere to be? Why are you so worried about me?" She looks at me confused and completely taken aback by my words, "babe im right here with you I have nowhere to be and nobody is expecting me. Why are you going so cold on me all of a sudden? Don't you remember our weekend together?" Irritated I look at her as I roll my eyes and say "yeah I remember. Im sure I'm not the only one that got the Mrs. Summer Reign experience." She lets my waist go as she backs away from me looking around the room. "What did you just say? The what experience? Where did you get that name from?" Interrupted by a knock at the door, Arielle walks in and pauses as shes wondering if she's interrupting something. "I was just leaving." I say quickly as I head towards the door bumping into her on my way out. Arielle quickly grabs me and pulls me back into the room closing the door. Who would've thought that we would all end up in the same room together alone? Mrs. Reign takes a long look at both of us while Arielle takes a seat but I remain standing. "Do you need something ma'am? Did you leave something behind?" Mrs. Reign asks her as if she's trying to signal her to leave. "No silly I was waiting for you so that we could go. Remember we have a date today? But I wanted to talk to you on the way there." Arielle replies with a laugh. As I feel my body going numb and my mind spinning in circles I look at them both confused. Am I dreaming right now? What the hell is happening? Mrs. Reign sighs as she leans against her desk. "There's something you need to know Savy. Im sorry I didn't tell you this sooner but I'm currently in a relationship with Arielle. I didnt want you to find out like this but I cant keep playing around with your feelings and your heart." The room goes dark and all I see is red. "No shit! She told me everything. Why did you even bother with me in the first place? You could've left me alone!" I yell furiously as I feel the pain in my chest as tears fall down my hot red cheeks. They both look at me with this scared look on their faces but I quickly storm out of the room. Usually Im not the type to let things get to me but fuck love.

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