Flames Of Desire

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Finally after a long exhausting week of moving and adjusting to the big city and college lifestyle thank God it's Friday. Sluggishly I raise up out of bed and pick my phone up and give my friends and family a call to check in. Sometimes I miss home but I'm glad I get to be around new surroundings and new people, including the infamous Mrs. Reign. Being a small town girl in a big luxurious city is pressuring to say the least but exciting at the same time. I hum to myself as I throw on my big oversized t-shirt, sweats and my hightop Nikes. "Hmm what hairstyle should I go for today?" I say to myself as I brush my long curly hair out as it all falls into my face. Looking at myself in the mirror excitedly I say, "This is the look right here. Comfortable but it's so me." As I head towards my bed and gather up my notebooks and textbooks I suddenly feel that hot sensation in my chest. Mind you, I only get this feeling when I think of you know who. Nervously I throw my backpack on my shoulder and head to class. The halls are filled with hundreds of students who look nothing like me at all. Maybe Mrs. Reign was right maybe I really shouldn't be here. I slowly walk into her classroom where Im met with an unknown person sitting in the seat I would normally sit in. "Great just what I needed after a bad night's sleep, a stranger." I mumble under my breath as Mrs. Reign looks up at me with a straight face and nods and points to a random seat towards the back of the classroom. Why is she placing me in the back? Maybe she's just having a weird day just like I am. Resting my head on my desk I hear my name being called followed by a snap. Liam, who is sitting in the seat behind me, taps me on my shoulder and says "Mrs. Reign doesn't seem too pleased with you today. Did you piss the moody bitch off?" Defensively I look back at him and roll my eyes and say "shes not a bitch you asshole. Watch your mouth. She's just having a hard time." He laughs as he looks around the room as all his friends started hyping him up. Such a jerk man. The bell finally rings and I couldn't be more relieved. As everyone rushes out of the classroom excited for the weekend I stay behind in my seat. Mrs. Reign walks over to me in her short silky dress and black heels with her hair in a high ponytail. I look up at her mesmerized by her beauty but I swear she wasn't this beautiful before or maybe I never really took the time to notice. "Yes ma'am? Something wrong?" I say quietly as I bury my face in my hands. She leans back on the desk beside me and stares at me blankly for a moment. "I think you owe me an apology for yesterday's incident." she says sternly. Confused by her response, I sarcastically say Im sorry. She then raises her eyebrow as she looks at me funny. "That's not an apology Savanna. You know that wasn't supposed to happen. I don't kiss my students. I don't know what messages you have been picking up but they are not correct at all." As I look at her with a smirk and slight smile I lightly rub my fingertips against her thigh as I look around her to see if the classroom door is closed. She looks down at my fingers as she squirms and moves my hand away and walks away frustrated. If you ask me I wasn't doing anything wrong so what's the problem? I grab my backpack and walk over to her desk where she is gathering up her belongings to head out. "Look okay Im sorry. I just get so worked up around you. I mean have you seen yourself Mrs. Reign? You're beautiful and sometimes I can't help but give into my desires. You can't tell me that you don't think about it too. I see the way you look at me and the way you prance around campus teasing me with these outfits and those pretty honey brown eyes. Let me make it up to you." Flattered but speechless she looks at me then proceeds to exit the classroom not even acknowledging anything I just said to her. Maybe my charm is wearing off. I follow behind her as she walks quickly to her car not even paying me the slightest bit of attention. Once we approach her car door she turns to me with this expression on her face as if she wants me to leave her alone now. I quickly feel the tension between us and suddenly that flame of desire feeling in my heart fades. Could this be the end of something potentially great? I've never experienced a real heartbreak before but this damn sure feels like one. "Thank you for expressing how you feel about me. Im sorry Im in a bad mood today. I'm trying to adapt to all of the new students being thrown in my class and I have a lot of personal issues going on as well but why would I share my personal life with you?" She gets in her car and starts the car up leaving me standing there processing everything that is going on. I sigh deeply as I struggle to get my words out but I just let her go. As Im walking away I hear her suddenly yell my name. Confused I turn around as she's walking towards me and suddenly my chest is on fire again. She quickly grabs my hand and pulls me towards her but then pauses. "Can you please come with me to my place? I think we really should talk. I don't want to make things even more complicated than they already are." Complicated? Who said anything is complicated? Silently I nod as we walk back to her car. We take the long silent awkward drive to her house. Once we arrive we pull into this narrow driveway and all I see is a huge house that looks like it's worth a good million dollars if Im seeing things correctly. I slowly open the passenger door as my feet touch the smooth paved driveway. Shyly I close the car door behind me as I walk towards the front door and wait for Mrs. Reign to meet me. She then walks up to me and quickly unlocks her front door and we head inside. I stand in the corridor of the home as I look around. On each side of me there's a set of long curved marbled stairs and the living room area is filled with all black furniture and off to the right of me is the dining room area but I cant exactly see what it looks like because of where Im standing. She walks past me as she notices me just taking in all of my surroundings. "Want something to eat or drink? Im having a glass of wine before a nice hot bubble bath because it's needed after the week i've had." She yells from around the corner as she heads in the kitchen. I follow her voice as I look at all of the paintings on the wall and the chandeliers hanging up above me. Whats a homeowner like her doing with a lost city girl like me in her home? This place is not where I belong. I walk up on her as she's pouring herself a glass of wine as she calls out for Alexa to play the song Morning by Teyana Taylor and Kehlani. She hums the song as she dances around in the kitchen while I stand back watching her sway her hips back and forth as she swings her arms around and freely dance across the marble floors. I look around her kitchen and all I see is white countertops, an expensive dining table, a chandelier hanging above the dining table, and a picture of her hanging up on the walls. Oh and I almost forgot to mention that her walls are so white that I barely wanna touch them. She excitedly grabs my hand as she sees me completely spaced out from the view of her beautiful house and she insists that I dance with her. As she gulps her glass of wine down she tosses the glass on the counter just a few feet away from us. "Don't you just feel so free right now? Because I know I do." she says excitedly as she laughs while the music continues playing in the background. I feel my body relaxing from the touch of her hand and her presence. I could really get used to this feeling. She then stops dancing and leads me upstairs without saying a word. We enter her bedroom where I notice a huge bed with silky black sheets, two standing lamps on each side, a flat screen tv hanging on the wall, pictures of her all around the room, a black dresser and nightstands to match her bed, and a mirror hanging above her bed. In the far corner of her massive bedroom I can see that she has a huge walk-in closet where all of her clothes are neatly hanging up and all of her shoes are placed on shoe racks. This house definitely looks like one you might see in the movies. "Im gonna go soak my body but you can make yourself at home." she says to me happily as she grabs her bathrobe from her closet and takes off her heels and lets her hair flow down her back. She then goes in the bathroom but she leaves me in the bedroom with nothing but the smell of her lit candles mixed with a soft scent of her cocoa butter. I sit down on the bed as I run my fingers through her silk sheets while I take a deep breath of air. Now this is the life I want to live. She then returns after a long bath but wearing nothing but a silk white robe. I take a glance at her and feel my legs instantly become weak. "Hey there Mrs. Reign glad to see you back and refreshed." I say as Im fascinated by her beauty. She then dims the lights as she plays slow R&B music. She lays across the bed with her head resting on her silk pillow while staring at me. I lay beside her comfortably as I feel myself sink into the bed. "Hey beautiful." she says in a low voice. I then reply with "Hey Mrs. Reign" shyly. We then lay there for a while just talking about whatever comes to mind as time passes. Suddenly theres a warm tension between us and next thing you know she's running her fingers through my hair as she kisses me passionately. I rise up as her skin melts into my skin as she slides my shirt off slowly. Everything around us goes dark as it's just me, her and the music. We both lay there skin to skin, fingers intertwined, lips to lips. "Are you sure you're comfortable with this?" she asks curiously as she pulls my body closer to hers. I take a breath as my heart beats out of my chest and I just look at her nodding as I trail my fingers down her spine. Fast forward to hours later after some incredible unforgettable sex and never ending love making we both drift off asleep in each other's arms while the silky black sheets are draped over our bare chocolate skin.

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