"Yeah he gave me before he going be missing... he said key have many secrets from the world and titans. He already know from his father told his son..." I explained, Erwin eyes widened. "Eren already know? But Where is he?" I looked down. "I believe he not dead... I think he missing before Colossal Titan killed him, but we can't find Eren's dead body."

Erwin stare at her. "Which one city that key?" Erwin asked me. "Eren said key for his home in Shiganshina District." Erwin eyes widened "Shiganshina District..." I nodding.

Erwin sighed "Thank you for telling me, Armin Alert and Krista Lenz." Erwin thanked him and Suvery Corps leave.

"You did good job." Mikasa said with smiled.

"Thank you, Mikasa" Armin replied.


"What are you talking about?" I asked in confused.

Eren grabbed on my shoulders. "I can't tell anyone... only I can trust you, Historia!" Eren shouted.

Eren pick his necklace to give me. "What is that?" I asked. "This is key for my home's basement! Key is the true history and outside of the walls, titans!" I eyes widened. "You.." "I going be missing and find my journey." Eren explained.

"You leave me?" I starting tear on her eyes. Eren hugged me. "Don't worry, I will be back for you, Armin, and Mikasa."

"Okay..." I said in sad. "Key, I will accept you will tell anyone about key and secrets but you won't tell me when I am Titan Shifter!" Eren shouted.

"Okay, whatever do you wanted." I looked down. Eren kissed my forehead. I looked up at her and blushing.

"You know I love you?" Eren smiled and blushing. I smiled. "I love you too." I kissed him on his lips.



Erwin's office

Levi, Hange, and Erwin meeting.

"I see, you wanted to know the truth about Titan." Levi said.

"Everyone was confused that Titan saved humanity for first time." Hange said and thought.

"If we can find Titan then we can use that?" Hange rubbing at her hair. Erwin sit on table and looked down.

"I don't know where Titan from outside... people still clueless about history." Erwin talked and a hand on his head. "I wanted to know the truth about the world." Erwin replied.

"Commander Erwin, 104th Cadet Corps scared to join me because they fear of titans." Levi muttered.

"I can't believe. Krista Lenz have Eren's key for basement... if we can reach Eren's basement about the truth. That my father was correct." Erwin talked.

"I don't know where is Eren still missing." Hange replied and think Eren.

"If I find Eren and He can tell everything about the truth." Levi muttered.

"I wanted to meet Eren, I wanted to him tell me everything... I wanted the truth." Erwin replied.

"Tomorrow, 104th Cadet Corps show up and who wanted to join Survey Corps. What do you have idea? Commander Erwin?" Hange asked Erwin.

Erwin stand up. "I will speak them about Titan and Survey Corps."


104th Cadet Corps stand for who wanted to join Survey Corps.

"I am Erwin Smith, Commander of the Survey Corps.... Today, you will choose a military branch. Put bluntly, I'm here to persuade you to join the Survey Corps." He sighed. "During the Titan attack, you learned how terrifying they can be. And how limited your own power is. However... this battle brought humanity closer to victory than it's ever been."

"The who Titan saved humanity and enemy of titans. Titan is friend of humanity, Titan own risk to saved humanity from titans." Erwin said and looked away.

"With his help, not only did we stop the Titans' advance, but we have a way to discover their true nature." Everyone was shock.

"Eren's necklace was Krista have kept... He knew everything about the truth from his father."

Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie eyes widened. "Eren, don't tell me you..." Reiner said in shock.

"Eren know about titans, world, and most secrets. They believe he still alive we can find him. We still don't know where is he." Erwin explained.

"Key for his home's basement have secrets in Shiganshina... if we can reach that basement, we will find a clue that will end this century of Titan rule. If we learn what they are, we can end this!" Erwin explained.

"We will find that Titan and used him to kill all titans."

"We'll have to take the long way around, from Kaeanes to the east. The four years we spent laying a route for a large army have gone to waste." Erwin continue speak. "In those four years, more than sixty percent of the Survey Corps lost their lives. Sixty percent in four years... an insane figure. Any trainees who join will participate in our excursion beyond the walls, in a month. We expect thirty percent won't return. I'm four years, most will be dead. But those who survive will become superior soldiers with a high survival rate." Erwin closed his eyes then open. "Knowing these discouraging facts, any still wiling to risk their lives, remain here. Ask yourself..." Erwin speak.

"Are you willing to offer your beating heart for humanity?" Erwin yelled. Everyone gasped and see him. "This is all. Anyone who wishes to join another branch is dismissed." Erwin final speak.

Everyone starting leaves...

Who stand Mikasa, Armin, Krista, Connie, Sasha, Annie, Bertholdt, and Ymir will join Survey Corps.

Erwin smiled bit "Welcome to Survey Corps!"

"Yes, Sir!" Everyone shouted.


Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie in room and meeting.

"Huh? Titan escaped mean he don't want got find out to identity from people." Annie muttered.

"I don't think they said Eren is missing... I killed him?" Bertholdt said and looked down.

Reiner looked at Annie and Bertholdt. "Eren is Titan shifter? Do you think?" Reiner asked.

"I'm not sure if he is Titan or not. But Attack Titan or Founding Titan already escaped." Bertholdt replied.

Annie Stand up "I will join Survey Corps and find Titan. I take him and we can go home!" Annie shouted.

"Reiner, do you think you still join Survey Corps?" Annie asked him.

Bertholdt looked at her. "I will join too." He replied fast. Reiner thought in deep.

"I have good idea, you and Bertholdt will join Survey Corps... I will join Military Police I can destroy the gate again." Reiner make decisions.

Annie gasped "this is bad idea." Reiner looked at her quick. "If you destroy the gate they find out you Titan shifter... If you join MPs and trying find Titan." Annie has good idea.

"I see you good idea. I will find Titan." Reiner replied.



I sit on the tree

I saw my vision in the future. "Huh? Annie and Bertholdt join Survey Corps... they trying to find me? Reiner joined Military Police..." I laugh

"You have bad idea, Reiner... I will take Bertholdt  in night without knowing." I talked by myself.

"Their first day in they still learn about Survey Corps rule and history. They went to sleep in night... I will take Bertholdt!" I said with smirk.


Eren will take Bertholdt to Titan with royal blood.

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