Chapter 4: Twilight's Confession

Start from the beginning

Twilight: (Y/N), calm down. Look, I get that you don't like things on your head, but we need to do this. Do this for us, and do it for me. Please?

Twilight's eyes begin to sparkle. You couldn't help but look at her. 

(Y/N): (thinking) She's being cute. Ah, damn it. I can't say no to this, and I did help my friends get back together, so I have to remain loyal. (speaking)(sighs) Alright, I'll wear them.

Twilight: (gasps) YAY!

Twilight then hugs you and jumps up and down.

Twilight: You're the best, (Y/N)! Girls, he's in. Let's hug him.

All the girls join in on the hug.

(Y/N): Do I have to sing?

Applejack: Well, you're gonna have to.

(Y/N): (sighs) Alright.

The girls then continue to hug you.


Later, back at your house, you, Twilight, and Spike are in your room. Twilight is asking if she can hear you sing.

Twilight: Please, (Y/N)? I really want to hear your singing voice.

(Y/N): I get stage fright when I try to sing. I'm not comfortable with it.

Your sister then walks in.

(S/N): What's going on in here?

Twilight then came up with an idea. She walks to your sister and asks

Twilight: Hey, (S/N). Say, can I ask you something?

(S/N): What?

Twilight: Can you tell your brother to sing a song for me? I'm curious about his singing voice.

You blush in anger.

(Y/N): Sis, don't even think about it.

(S/N): Come on, Twilight's curious about it. You should show her.

Spike: I agree with your sister, (Y/N). You should do it.

(Y/N): I said no, and that's final.

Twilight asks your sister

Twilight: Is he uncomfortable singing in front of a crowd?

(S/N): Nah. Little bro just doesn't sing for us. Even though his singing voice is different from his regular voice, he still refuses to do it.

Twilight gets a look of disappointment.

Twilight: Aw, and I really wanted to hear it.

Twilight looks like she's about to go into tears. You and your sister took notice. You rush over to her.

(Y/N): Oh, no no no no no no. Don't cry, Twi. I-I'll sing. I'll sing for you. Just don't cry. Please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to act like that.

Twilight gets a smile and hugs you.

Twilight: It's ok, (Y/N). But if you're not comfortable, you don't have to do it.

(S/N): Come on, little bro, your girlfriend here really wants to hear it.

You and Twilight blush.

(Y/N): I'll just get my guitar and I'll sing for you. (looks at sister) Don't tell Mom and Dad.

(S/N): You know they'll find out eventually.

(Y/N): That's true.

(S/N): Now quit being a baby and get downstairs to the living room. I haven't heard your singing voice in ages.

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