Chapter 27: Spying on the Enemy

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You and Rainbow Dash are at a school called Crystal Prep Academy, and she's spying on the competition.

Rainbow Dash: Crystal Prep High School. The competition!

She starts to sneak around the bushes. You then follow her.

(Y/N): Again, why are we sneaking around here?

Rainbow Dash: We're trying to figure out what they're up to. I'm sick of losing to these people.

(Y/N): Right. You know, I never thought you would be good at sneaking around. You'd probably put the Changewing out of business.

Rainbow laughs quietly at your joke.

Rainbow Dash: You sure know how to make me laugh, (Y/N).

(Y/N): (chuckles) That I do. Anyway, I'll go as a Changewing and maybe get a closer look.

Rainbow Dash: Smart thinking.

You then turn into a Changewing, turn yourself invisible, and start to sneak around the competition. While Rainbow peeks over a green bush, Pinkie appears as the bush as a wig.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, Rainbow!

Rainbow is surprised.

Rainbow Dash: Gah! What are you doing here?

Pinkie Pie: You said we needed to be sneaky while we check out the competition for the Friendship Games.

Rainbow Dash spotted the Shadowbolts running nearby and quickly pulled her behind a tree as she let out a sigh of relief.

Pinkie Pie: Wanna see what else I have?

She exclaimed as she quickly put on a black suit that came equipped with a grappling hook and night-vision goggles.

Pinkie Pie: Cat burglar!

She then used the grappling hook to fly through the trees.

Pinkie Pie: Dog burglar!

She then put on the mask that resembled a certain purple dog and dug underground.

Pinkie Pie: Tree!

She stood inside of a cardboard tree suit with her arms disguised as branches.

Pinkie Pie: Bunny suit!

She hops out of a bush while wearing a tan bunny suit with a white poofy tail and fake bunny whiskers and teeth.

Pinkie Pie: Camouflage!

She exclaimed as she wore a pink camouflage suit.

Rainbow Dash: (loud whispering) That's like the opposite of camouflage!

She then sees Crystal Prep students coming your way.

Rainbow Dash: (loud whispering) Quick! Back down!

She pushes Pinkie into a nearby bush and hides behind a tree as the Crystal Prep students pass by. After they pass, Rainbow Dash moves to a nearby bush. She peeks out from behind the bush only to find that the Shadowbolts are too far away to spy on. 

Meanwhile, you were watching them. As you were watching them, a certain girl was walking over to you. She had a light gray skin tone, semi-long light magentaish gray hair with heliotropeish white streaks, and pale, light grayish violet eyes. She wears a purple school blazer jacket over a light-blue undershirt with a black bow tie, a dark purple plaid skirt, dark-purple-filled socks, and black leather shoes.

 She wears a purple school blazer jacket over a light-blue undershirt with a black bow tie, a dark purple plaid skirt, dark-purple-filled socks, and black leather shoes

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As she was walking in your direction, she accidentally tripped over your tail. You turn your head and notice her. You then remove your invisibility and revert to human form to check on her.

(Y/N): I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you trip and fall.

She turns around in an angry mood. When she looked at you, her anger calmed down and she let out a light blush. You then extend her hand to help her up.

(Y/N): Do you need a hand?

She grabs your hand which makes her blush more. You then help her up. She then accidentally lands on your chest making her blush even more. She quickly gets off your chest.

???: (Fleur De Lis): Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that.

(Y/N): That's ok. I should've paid more attention to where I was.

Over back at the bushes, Rainbow Dash can't get a better view for spying.

Rainbow Dash: We need to get a better view.

Rainbow Dash heard the sound of a balloon being inflated as she felt herself being lifted by a small platform of balloons and the one carrying them all was none other than Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie: Best view of the house!

While the view was better, it only lasted for a moment as she was starting to fly up way too high. Rainbow Dash without thinking, began popping all of the balloons which of course led to them falling into a bush. The coach leading the Shadowbolts known as Coach Rommel hears the loud thud from behind the bush and turns his head around to see what happened. Pinkie Pie inflates another balloon and lifts up from behind the bush, exposing her spot which led to Rainbow quickly pulling down the balloon and deflating it. Pinkie Pie then sniffs her.

Pinkie Pie: You smell like vanilla!

She said this loudly as Rainbow Dash quickly covered her mouth.

Meanwhile, you were talking to the girl.

??? (Fleur De Lis): So, do you go to this school? I've never seen you around before.

(Y/N): I actually go to another school, but I have looked at this place before.

??? (Fleur De Lis): I'll have to figure out where you're from. You look familiar to me for some reason.

You were curious.

(Y/N): I do.

??? (Fleur De Lis): No. Not really. I thought you did.

(Y/N): Oh. (chuckles) Well, I never go out that often, but I do tend to at times.

Back over at the bushes

Rainbow Dash: (whispering) We're trying to eavesdrop. That means they don't hear us.

Pinkie Pie: (loud whispering) Ooh! I have just the thing!

While one of the Shadowbolts named Said Thunderbolt was doing sit-ups, Pinkie used a large microphone and held it above him which was only picking up his heavy breathing.

Rainbow Dash: What are you doing?! We're trying to spy on them! Do you even know what the word "spy" means? It means being sneaky! It means not being seen! It means (yelling) BEING QUIET!

This alerted the Shadowbolts to her presence as they glanced at Rainbow and Pinkie. You became alert to the situation.

Pinkie Pie: Bush to Dash. Code red. You have been spotted. RUUUUUUUUUUUNNN!

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash make a run for it. You look at the girl and say.

(Y/N): I, uh... I better go check on them. I hope to see you around.

You then dash for it. The girl starts to follow you but stops.

??? (Fleur De Lis): Wait, I never got your name. 

She then lowers her hand. She sits down and thinks about you.

??? (Fleur De Lis): (thinking) Who was that guy? Maybe I'll get to see him again.

She has a blissful smile on her face, lets out a sigh, and blushes.

To be continued...

(So, Rainbow Dash's attempts to spy on the enemy have failed thanks to Pinkie, and you seem to have made friends with Fleur De Lis. Will you see her again? Only time will tell.)

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