3. Isaac

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The first thing I heard this morning was my phone ringing wildly over my bedside table. I slowly pushed the blanket away before opening my eyes, I slightly rubbed my eyes to adjust into the sunlight peeking through the small of the window. Grabbing my phone I picked up the phone and it's an unknown number. "Hello, who's this?" I asked in a sleepy voice. "Your mother" it's a man voice and he laughed at his humourless joke. "What do you want Will?" I asked irritatedly, it's literally 6am and this man is trying to make bad jokes. "And why did you change your number?" I asked and he cleared his throat before starting in a pitched voice like he's talking to a child. "My baby brother, have you no idea that the number I was using in my Turkey trip wouldn't work in America? And since I wanted to listen to my baby brothers voice right now, I had no choice but to buy a SIM card" he scoffed that added to my irritation. It's freaking 6 am. "What do you want?" I asked with irritation clear in my voice. "You know, you were saying that you always feel like someone's following you around or watching you? Well, we gotta talk about that but in person" he said and I could feel myself growing impatient to know what he found out but I know if he said in person, then he won't tell me like this so I told him to meet me at my office.

After my conversation with Willian, I got off the bed and went to take a long warm shower, thoughts about the possibilities Willian could've  came up with kept running through my mind and that's frustrating. I'm somewhat petrified by the thought of someone actually following me around. I've never wanted to be proven that I'm hallucinating before but right now, that's all I want to hear. As I got out the shower and wore my black trousers with a plain white shirt, it looked too decent so I added my black coat with it and started to comb my hair.

While I was standing in front of the mirror, I saw the scar over my neck again and flashbacks of that day ran through my head again but I pushed them away. It's not the time. I picked up my keys and phone from the table and went downstairs where Nanya, the senior maid, was smiling brightly besides the dining table. I sat on one of the chairs and she served me my breakfast before saying, "You look tensed, Isaac" she pointed out and I'm shocked that it's really that obvious but I shook my head "it's just office stress, don't worry about it" I'm glad she didn't argue further and I quietly ate my breakfast before getting into my car.

The first person to approach me when I went to my office was Claire, "good morning, sir" She said with a smile and I nodded, "good morning. Is everyone here? Or should I ask the real question, is Ms. Warren here?" I asked, my voice sharpening at the mention of that girl but I was stunned to know she came just moments before me. That's new. Claire then explained me today's schedule and I told her to make time in between so I can have the Talk with Willian and she did.

The day's going smooth except that it's now 2pm and Willian's about to be here soon, for some reason I'm anxious. It's wasn't late when he knocked on the door and came in, bright, huge and dangerous like always. I gestured him to take the seat across me and he did, readjusting his tie as he spoke, "so, how's your day going brother?" He asked, crossing his legs onto the other and I nodded, "good, what about yours?" I glanced up from the computer screen in front of me, resting my arms on the desk, "what did you want to talk about?"

The way he's tensed and straight all of the sudden, I know this can't be good so I prepared myself for whatever is upcoming. He cleared his throat and started, "So, your suspicions were right. Someone is in-fact watching you" That's all he had to say to get my blood boiled but I know better than to say anything yet as he continued, "unfortunately, I couldn't get any information about the person, all I know is that they're watching you most of the time, in short, stalking you. Now it can be either similar as father's case or something else-" he paused, taking a deep breath before saying "It's either someone madly obsessed with you so they hadn't hurt you yet or they're planing something big—both aren't good—so, I'd suggest we test both possibilities" he took a deep breath again "you should marry-" he want even done yet when I stood up straight, stunned, furious. "What are you saying?" I said sharply and his eyes darkened before he motioned me to sit back down and I did. "I'm not saying you have to actually marry someone, you can hire someone to act like your wife. If that's someone who's obsessed over you, they'll show up signs, knowing that you're married to someone else" He said and I get where he's coming from but do I really have to do it? "Can't we try something else?" I asked, my jaw tensed and my feet tapping the floor. "We've caught the man who used to follow you but he refused to say anything even when we tortured him, so no, we have to do this so your stalker shows up" he straightens and walked to the files in my office room taking out the employees' list and I frowned. "What are you doing now?" I asked and followed him with my eyes as he sat back to where he was before, "your employees are trusted, so the safest way to get you a little fake wife is to choose someone from this list, baby brother" he sneered and I snapped, "I'm not doing that" he didn't pay any attention to what I was saying and his smile widened and he slammed the file in front of me "This. This will be your wife" he pointed at the woman I've least expected. Ezra Warren. There's no way I'm marrying her, not even if it's all fake.

*Forced to unite*.   - A first love taleWhere stories live. Discover now