12. Isaac

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I woke up to the sound of Nanya cooking breakfast in the kitchen and I looked around with sleepy eyes, trying to understand why the hell am I sleeping on the couch. I stretched my arms and saw Ezra walking downstairs and I remembered last night, everything came clear to me now, her eyes piecing through mine as if she can see through my soul in them, her deep brown eyes staring at my lips that made her own lips part as if they want to feel me on them. Her soft soothing touch on my back that felt like she's taking all the worries away from me with her—She was standing in front of me when I realised I was staring at her  longer than I'd like to. She raised her eyebrows at me and I straightened up "Morning" I got up, "good morning princess" there's no way she just said that, she's grinning like crazy that I want to pin her to the wall and kiss her until her lips are swollen. "You did not just call me that" I crossed my arms over my chest and she mimicked my motions. "Unfortunately, I did" She held her chin high like she just broke some records and hell, she looks adorable.

"Madam, sir, the breakfast is ready" Nanya acknowledged while looking down respectfully and I nodded. We were sitting across each other at the dining table when Nanya presented the breakfast and we both thanked her before starting to eat.

As we're finished with the breakfast, I got up to go outside and smoke for a while, I need to get this sudden attraction to Ezra out of my head but when I went through my pockets and drawers, I couldn't find the box. I don't know what went through my head when I decided to go ask Ezra if she's seen it but when I opened the door to her room, I frowned. She's holding the box in one hand while other on her hips and she kind of looks cute but why would she be holding them?

"Why do you have my cigarettes?" I demanded, my eyes narrowed at her while I leaned over the doorframe and she walked over the bathroom and I don't know why but I followed and hell no. She's holding the box near the seat of the toilet, about to flush it. Does this girl have no idea that they're expensive?  "What are you doing?" I raised my voice and she spoke, "it's not good for your health" she exclaimed like she's my mom or something, "and I don't care if you think it's not good, give. It. Back." I warned and why the fuck isn't she warned, she's just raising her eyebrows, "well you should because it's for you" She said and I know what I have to do now, I walked over to her book shelf and took out a random book and mimicked her actions, standing in front of the toilet seat and her eyes widened with surprise, "what are you doing? Put it back!!" She said, her eyes were filled with surprise and worry. Good.

"Give me my cigarettes back and have your book" I offered.
"no" she refused.
"then say goodbye to your book" I lowered the book.
"Isaac Zane" she almost shouted.
"Ezra Warren, don't forget I'm your boss" I reminded her.
"not here, I'm the one helping you here" she frowned.
"don't act like an actual wife now"
"we're working together so we're friends helping each other and friends should worry about other's health"
"we're not friends nor will be. Now give. It. Back." I tried snatching the box but she started pulling it back or swapping with her hands. She's pissing me off too much already.
"Ms Warren!" I exclaimed but that girl wouldn't listen.
"Mr Zane" She grinned and I know what I have to do to get my way now.

I moved my hand to grab the box she was holding by her side and she raised her arm up so I won't be able to catch it but I pulled her against my chest by her waist and her cheeks flushed. Her heart was beating so fast I couldn't even count them in a second. I moved my hand over her arm, caressing with my fingertip going along the side of her forearm and I could feel her hot breath against my cheek, she's probably wearing heels because she only reaches my shoulder if she's not.

"Give it back" I commanded and her breath hitched before she shook her head. "No?" I asked to make sure what she meant and she shook her head again. "Kiss me" she breathed and my eyes widened before I tightened my arm around her waist. "You know what's the problem?" I asked and she stared at me for answers and god.. she's so irresistible. "If I kissed you right now, I don't think I'd be able to stop"  her eyes widened and right when I was about to snatch the box, she raised her arms higher. I smirked before taking a step forward with her still trapped in my arm and another until her back is touching the cold tiles of the bathroom.

She was still trying to keep the box but who cares about the box right now? I moved my hand over the crock of her neck softly, making her body shiver in my arm. I leaned in and she arched her back to feel my body against hers when I captured her lips in a fiery kiss, she's been getting on my nerves a lot lately. Her hands found their way to my shoulders and the box dropped from her hand, she gasped and I allowed my tongue inside her mouth, tasting and exploring her mouth and her body relaxed before she returned the kiss with as much desperation as mine. "You taste so damn good" I muttered against her lips before kissing her again, my hand slowly moved from her back to her hair, making light patterns on her skull. I was right, I can't stop it now.

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