2. Ezra

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I was gathering my stuff after our work was over when Claire approached me, her expression was still annoyed as she passed Mr. Zane's message to me. He wants me in his office right now. It could be either bad or very bad. I was clutching onto a stack of  papers in my hands as I walked to his office. Waiting for his permission to go inside after a knock and he asked me to come in.

I'm staring at my feet as he went on and on about how disrespectful it was of me to keep running late. Well he doesn't know it's because of him that I can't sleep at night. He frowned and his voice louder when he asked "are you listening to what I'm saying, Ms. Warren?" My eyes widened at how mad he was at me and I nodded. "Yes sir...I understand. I'll make sure to be there at time tomorrow-" his eyes narrowed and he rubbed his temples, clearly annoyed by me. I wish I could change that but I can't help myself..
"You know what, you don't have any other options but to imply to your duties and the companies expectations from you and if you can't do that, you're free to apply somewhere else" he said sharply before someone knocked on his office door, he sighed, trying to regain his composure as he allowed the person to get in.

A tall muscular man entered, wearing a navy blue velvet suit, similar to the one Mr. Zane's wearing. The man who just entered had a bright ear-to-ear smile and his brown eyes squinted. He hugged Mr Zane, they seemed to be good friends but the other man was quite older.

"Long time no see Isaac" the man sneered and Mr Zane rolled his eyes before gesturing towards the chair next to where I'm sitting, that's basically across his desk and the man's eyes brightened as his eyes fell on me, he probably didn't notice me here before. He moved his hand towards me for a handshake and I took it. "Willian Zane" he introduced himself, Willian's the oldest Zane brother. I nodded and smiled softly before saying "Ezra Warren".  Before Willian could say anything else, Isaac interrupted. "Ignore her, Will. She was just about to leave, right Ms Warren?" He turned to me with his eyes narrowed (like always) and I nodded, getting off the chair with the stack of papers still in my hands.
"So, did you do anything about the matter? It's really uncomfortable you know, I feel like someone's watching me all the damn time and it's really getting on my skin" Isaac said to his brother and I froze. He probably didn't notice the sudden tension in my shoulders as I walked out of his office with wild thoughts. What if he found out? Worse if he's already suspicious about anything?..
I forced myself to not worry about anything as I walked to the parking lot, there's no way he can figure anything out..well not just yet.
I got into my car and rested my head on the steering wheel for a while before taking a deep breath, calmed my shit down and started the engine of the car.

At home, I made myself dinner, took a long shower and stared at the clock with a movie playing on the TV before It finally hit 9pm. I grabbed my laptop and connected it to his room again. To my shock, his room was still empty and that made me somewhat anxious. He can't be out with some women right? ..Must be with Willian Zane.

I was still wondering when I heard a soft sign from the other side of the screen, I saw him taking his coat off and placing it over a hanger, his muscles flexing as he started to take his tie off then his shirt...he usually changes inside his closet but as I saw his bare back, I can't force myself to look away. He's fucking majestic, front or back. He went inside the closet, half naked while I was literally drooling over this man.

He came out in grey sweatpants and a plain black shirt, good heavens, when does this man not look super attractive. He looked tense and sleepy as he hopped on the bed, placing his laptop in his lap and typing almost aggressively, poor laptop. After some minutes of typing with the same frowning expression, he turned his laptop off and placed it back to its place.

He doesn't take much time before he falls into a deep sleep and I'm having a hard time forcing myself to go to sleep when it's already past 11pm, I remind myself how upset he was this morning and I turned the laptop off with a sigh, struggling to fall asleep for what seems like hours.

*Forced to unite*.   - A first love taleWhere stories live. Discover now