20. Isaac

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I'm sitting over the bed while She is sleeping on my Left, her chest rising and failing and her little breathings is the only thing audible in this room except the tandem of my heart. My beloved wife, she says and there's this doubt that something is wrong whenever I ask her something.

I asked her why we didn't have a real ceremony, which was weird since Willian is the kind of man who would force me to do a big event even without my wish. When I asked her where we went for our honeymoon, she hesitated before saying "oh we went to Maldives! Your suggestion" I'm not a fan of the beach. This should be a relief that I remember the majority of my life but It isn't; not when I'm not sure how much have I changed or how much have everything else changed. The big question that has been keeping me awake, Does she know about Myleen? I must've told her since she says 'we were in love'.

IF I want to confirm that, I have two options, bring the topic up and risk something I'm not quite sure of by opening up.  I want to let that worry go knowing she accepted me with the truth. The possibilities were eating me and all I could do was stare at a stranger sleeping beside me, claiming to love me and waiting for me to be back to her.

If I'm being honest, I want to believe her. 4 days into this mess and she's  spending most of her time taking care of me. I took a deep breath and tried to sleep, turning and tossing over the bed before giving up and walking out without waking her up. I placed my arm over my head leaning over the back of the couch before my phone lit up with a notification and I frowned at the unknown number, who might this be now?

"Sleeping well, target?" I stared at the text.
What the actua-

"couldn't sleep?" I heard Ezra's voice from behind me, there she was closing the door while yawning. her long brown hair looked a mess. right now and her pyjamas were wrinkled as she walked up to me.

"No. I was having trouble sleeping so I came here. Why did you wake up?" I asked, deciding against mentioning the text I received just now. She made an "O" expression in understanding before getting comfortable on the couch next to me. "I woke up to use the restroom and you weren't in bed" her eyes were sleepy and she yawned again. Tired but wouldn't leave me alone for a damn minute. Irritation from the text, everything going on with my situation and her clingy behaviour started creeping my mind but I decided not to start any argument right now. I simply nodded.

"You're sleepy. Go to bed" I suggested, hoping she'd listen to me but god, would she listen. "I can't just leave-" she wasn't finished yet when my irritation got the better of me and I stood up, "If you're not yet aware, I'm not a kid that you can't leave me alone for a second" I immediately regretted my words but what's done was done now and there was nothing but understanding in her eyes. She nodded and went back inside my—our—bedroom.

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