23. Ezra

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Isaac has been trying to get everything out of me since a week now and if I'm being honest, I wanna ask all about why and how did Myleene and him broke up Why can't he remember me when he remembers her but then again, I can't expect all the answer when I'm not honest with him either.

Questions about how Isaac and Sam's conversation went still haunted me but I tried ignoring them as we sat together on the sofa watching a movie when Isaac's phone started ringing. "Wait a sec" That's all he said before rushing out to attend the call. I was too busy watching the fight scene on the screen to suspect anything..

WILLIAN: Don't let Isaac attend the call at ANY cost.

I stared at the notification on my phone and my mind panicked with all kinds of scenarios now that Isaac had already gone out. I hurried to the balcony just to see Isaac frozen at his place, his face blanched like he'd seen a ghost. This can't be good. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he turned around, expression unreadable before he shook his head and rubbed his temples. I was still confused about what's happening, what did the caller say, who called, how did Willian know someone was calling his brother and many more..

"Isaac-" I started but he interrupted me with his hardened voice, "did you know it all along?" He awaited with his jaw hardened and I didn't ask what he's talking about but I did anyway. "Know what?" My voice shook and his expression was so hard like he can't even balance his thoughts right now. He moved closer, placing his hand on the metal off the balcony while he cornered me. "You know damn well what I'm talking about" 

My heart raced uncontrollably as he pulled his hand back and walked to grab his jacket before leaving the house with me behind, following him trying to stop but he was if he couldn't even hear me. He stood a few moments in front of his car, inspecting or rather deciding if he should go wherever he was planning on going and then, he got in and drove off.

I hurried back inside and called Willian in a hurry and he picked up so quickly like he was expecting me to call him soon. "Where's he? Don't tell me you let him leave" He spat right after picking up and my blood boiled, first he made me lie to Isaac all this time and now he's trying to blame it all on me that I let him leave? Has he fucking lost his mind?

"Are you serious right now? You're blaming me for him finding out your lies?" I almost scolded and he scoffed. "Stop overreacting and tell me what happened?" I shook my head even if he couldn't see me right now. "No, You tell me how you knew about the upcoming call?" I demanded and he sighed in annoyance, that goddamn bastard got me into this. "Answer me!"

"Listen lady, I'm a fucking computer expert, I've to protect my brother in any cost even if it means tracking who calls him and when" He said almost like he's trying to explain to a child how his questions are making him annoyed. "Then track him down and find out where he is? Why are you asking me that?" I said defensively. He laughed and the sound of his laughter made me wanna slap the shit out of him, "why wouldn't you know? You've known each and every move of his, haven't you?"

I froze, my heart started thumping hard in my chest as I asked, "what are you trying to say?" Thankfully, My voice didn't sound shaky or as anxious as I am right now. "Oh you know," I imagined him turning his chair and taking his seat, holding the dominance he's grasped over me. "How you're the one stalking him all along"

I tried to deny it but it was obvious he had his information so I admitted, "fine, yes, I did stalk him but do you really think I'd try to harm him? Or put him in the position he is right now? That's just making things hard for me isn't it?" I felt my voice shake so I took a long sip of water as I heard his fingers tapping on a table through the phone. "Whatever your reasons and tactics were, I can prove you the one nevertheless so stop playing and tell me where he is right now?"

I took my face in my palms and sat over the dining table as I explained what happened with details and I hesitated before telling him why I was "mad" at him. He sighed in annoyance again and raised his voice through the call, "do you think we have enough time to be private right now? Every single detail can help us" He insisted and I took a deep breath before saying, "we had dinner with his old friends, Sam, I think you'd know him. He was there too and they were talking something about me, my father actually"

"Samuel?" He repeated with his voice urgent. "Yes? What about him?" I asked and I could hear some papers moving in a hurry from his side and there was panic in his movements. "I remember they once had a huge fight over some girl called Myleene and they never spoke after that, why would they be talking about something so important at a reunion dinner?" My heart dropped, they had a fight over Myleene? He wasn't really honest about her was he?

Willian hung up without any warning, both brothers leaving me to wander in thoughts of their secrets. I tried calling them many times throughout the day and also asked Riley to let me know if either of them visited their office. I didn't tell her why and she didn't protest. But there was no sign so I decided to go search up myself.

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