Fighting for Justin

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"You are not broken. And you're not alone." Memory Tommy said.

"I'm not sure about this Tommy." Memory Kat said. "He'll be alright, Kat. I'm sure. We can help through this." Memory Tommy said. "He's still young, Tommy. I'm afraid of what will happen to him if we're not too careful." Memory Kat said. "We can protect him. Keep him safe. I promise." Memory Tommy said.

A tear comes out of Justin's eye as he looks at Tommy shocked. He lets go of Tommy and put him on the ground gently. "I knew. I knew you were still in there." Tommy said. "He just showed you your past." Vuk said as she stepped over him. "Follow me into your future, my love. Don't let them hold you back." Vuk said as she put a on Justin's cheek. "No." Justin said.

The authorities came to help with the situation. The D'Bari saw them and evacuated, leaving the Rangers by themselves.

"I never asked for this. Any of it." Justin said. "I traveled to the stars for a gift that you don't want." Then take it. Please. Free me. " Justin pleaded. "I'll try." Vuk said. She put both of her hands on each side of Justin's face and she kissed him. She started absorbing the Phoenix. "Your lives mean nothing. Your world will be ours. And he will be mine." Vuk said to Tommy. "You'd kill us all." Tommy said. "Yes." Vuk said. "Justin, you have to let go. Justin, let go ! Let go, Justin. Let go ! Let go !" Tommy said. Kat came in the building and saw what was happening. She used her laser pistol to blast Vuk through the roof. Justin falls to the ground unconscious and Kat runs up the stairs. "Are guys okay ?" Kat asked. "Yeah, I'm good. I don't know about him though." Tommy said. They heard people coming through the door. Tommy morphed back into his Ranger from. The government agents aimed their weapons at Justin. One of them looked at Tommy and Kat. "Well done Rangers." One of the agents said. Tommy and Kat looked at each other and looked back at Justin.

Meanwhile, the Rangers were on a train with the government agents traveling to a prison while Justin is restrained on a bed. The Zeo Rangers stayed in their forms because they didn't want anyone to know their identities. The Rangers were discussing what their next move would be.

"Most of them retreated when the authorities came. Since we didn't beat them they will come back for him." T.J. said. "They could come at any minute so we have to stay on guard." Tommy said. Then they the train shaking. Everyone managed to stay on their feet. The government agents went to investigate what was happening. "Did we hit something ?" Cassie asked. "No. Something hit us." Andros said. They heard painful screams outside the train and they looked through a window and saw a helicopter crashing into the woods.

Then the door was being dented and then it was forced open. Jones and the other D'Bari walked through. ,"We only want the boy. Step aside." Jones said. "No ! You're not going to take him away again !" T.J. said. He summoned his Astro Axe and put it into booster mode. Andros summoned his Spiral Saber and put it into booster mode and blasted Jones. Then T.J. blasted the others and the other Rangers joined the fight. "Kat, we need to get to Justin." Tommy said. He and Kat went to the next cart. Tanya came out from the roof and used her Zeo 2 Power Clubs and her laser pistol to fight the D'Bari. Andros continued to blast the D'Bari and Cassie was helping him, until one of them grabbed Cassie and threw her out of the train. "Cassie !" Andros yelled. He grabbed his wrist communicator and tried calling her. "Cassie ?! Cassie, are you there ?!" Andros asked frantically. "I'm okay. Some bushes broke my fall. I'll catch up with you soon." Cassie said. Andros looked up and saw one of the D'Bari attacking Tanya. "Adam ! Help your wife !" Andros called out. Adam used his Zeo 4 Power Hatchets to climb to the roof of the train to help Tanya.

Rocky uses his Zeo 3 Power Tonfas to the help T.J. fight the D'Bari. One of them tackles T.J. out of the train and they landed on the tracks. T.J. blasted the D'Bari soldier while they were on the ground and he got up and looked at the train. He summoned his Galaxy Glider so that he could fly to the train and Cassie was flying next to him with her glider.

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