"Lady Pharsa, I believe we have to be somewhere private and discuss some internal conflict."

The woman only nods and wave her hand in the air in a circular motion, then, suddenly, a crow came flying towards her direction and  perched on her index finger.

Hanabi couldn't help but roll her eyes upward and sulk down in her seat.

"Great. Looks like no one's going to explain what's happening." she mumbled.


"My lady, please, make yourself comfortable." the Shadow Grandmaster said as he pulled out a chair for the woman which she only ignored. Instead, she turned her blind eyes towards Hanabi's father.

"Speak your troubles, and I shall do my best to offer clarity through the veils of time." she suddenly mumbled, making the two Grandmaster focus their attention to the woman.

"Lady Pharsa..." is the only thing that come out of the Scarlet Grandmaster's lips.

"I can sense your worries... Ain't this the reason why you called for my presence here?" she ask, as if telling them the most obvious reason why she have to travel a hundred of miles, and she's certain that the gentlemen don't just want to sit and have a tea with her. They want something from her.

"I've heard something from an omnyouji master about my daughter being entangled in a conspiracy, a web of deceit and danger. I fear for her safety and her soul."

To their surprise, Lady Pharsa suddenly blurt a soft laugh as if she just heard the funniest joke made by the Scarlet Grandmaster.

"The threads of fate weave a complex tapestry indeed. It's interesting... Tell me more of this conspiracy, and I shall gaze into the mists of the future."

"It involves powerful figures, dark intentions, and a path fraught with peril. I fear she may be led astray, blinded by power and darkness.. Also, the young omnyouji master said something about Hanabi, being a prospect vessel to an ancient demon named Hanekage." the strong and commanding character the Scarlet Grandmaster possesses suddenly fade and become a father.. A father that have been worrying for his child's safety.

A long and deep sigh escaped the Scarlet Grandmaster's lips as the man rubbed his hand over his temples in dread and restlessness. Everyone in the village would be so alienated if ever they could've a glimpse of this strong and authoritative old man being in a state where people have not imagine him to be in.

"Is that why you labeled her as a threat?" Lady Pharsa asked. It was as if asking on a certain matter yet, knew the answer all along.

"Yes." the Shadow Grandmaster answered.

"That child is one of last descendants of Yamaguchi. So, she cannot be lying about her magic." he continued.

"These past few months, Hanabi tends to escape and her whereabouts remain unknown, as she would often vanish like thin smoke and come back after days." the Shadow Grandmaster said, "and I think, that was an enough reason for us to suspect her."

"Your concerns are not unfounded, for the path of conspiracy is treacherous and fraught with peril." Lady Pharsa replied as she looked at the crow over her shoulder. Its eyes were glowing in bright red as it made eye contact with her. It was as if they were talking and none of the people inside the room could hear anything but them.

"And.. I am afraid to say that no one can change the path of fraught. It is bound to happen. No magic or spell can stop it.." the mage suddenly stopped talking and turned her head towards the gentlemen right in front of her.

"Yet, even in the darkest shadows, there is hope," she continued.

"Hope? Tell me about it, my lady, and I'll do everything that I can just for my daughter," the Scarlet Grandmaster said, sounding desperate.

"Kill her."

A long silence enveloped the room as the woman named Pharsa began on slashing her hand on the air, and a long wand suddenly appeared in front of her, and started to float towards her just like a metal's reaction near a magnet.

"Is there.. another way for me to save Hanabi?" the Scarlet Grandmaster asked as he stood up from his seat and turned his back on everyone's sight.

Lady Pharsa's wand suddenly gleamed in a hue of red, and the crow came flying around it.

"It's either you kill her or let her turn into Hanekage's new vessel. Hanekage will own her body no matter what. He needs her power.. Bloodshed will begin to arise and no man's power could ever stop it."

A deep and heavy sigh escaped the Scarlet Grandmaster's lips while his hands unconsciously found the chair beside him and held in it... tight.

"Thank you, my lady. Your words have granted us solace in this time of turmoil. We will do as what you said." the Shadow Grandmaster answered as he stood up in his seat and stride towards the direction of the door, but before he could step out, he stopped and looked at the Scarlet Grandmaster behind him and called for Hayabusa's presence outside.

"Get her."

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