ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #06 :

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Hanabi slowly open her eyes when she heard voices .

" oh goodness you're awake! " she tried to stand up but her body feel so weak that's why she closed her eyes again .

" Hanabi , are you alright ? " Sana asked , her fellow ninja .
" hmm yes " she answered in a weak voice .
" by the way , why are you sleeping here in the woods ? it's already dark . Your father must be looking for you at this time " she recognized Mina's voice .
" I'm sleeping here ? " she immediately open her eyes and stared at her fellow ninjas who was staring at her also .

Then a memory entered her mind . She's certain that she was in the middle of the forest earlier where she saw the abandoned temple of shadow faction and where she met Hanzo .

" damn it " she curse as she messed her hair out of frustration .
" I almost fcking died! " she exclaimed.

Her fellow ninjas eyes widened at what they heard .

" you what ? " Sana asked , wondering if she heard it right .

But Hanabi just messed her hair again , feeling so frustrated .

" arghh! when we meet again . I'll swear I'll never comeback here without a fight " she hastily got up to her feet and face the questioning look from her fellow ninjas .
" how did I end up here ? " she ask , but the two just stared at each other and shrugged their shoulders .
" we're just taking a walk and accidentally saw you lying here , unconscious " Mina said , without taking her gaze off of Hanabi who was staring at the ground , confused look in her eyes .

How come I end up here ? As far as I remember I was there , in the middle of the forest . I am certain that I leave a wound on him and I fainted .

Her brows met . Trying to remember what happened but nothing entered her mind . Her eyes widened at the realization .

" d- did he perhaps... brought me here ? " then a scenario of her being on Hanzo's arms entered her mind . She shook the idea out of her mind .

" it's impossible "

But... how come he didn't kill me ? Even though I stab him , he's still in the upper hand . The wound isn't that deep though .

A pair of hands touched her shoulder making her flinched and pull out of her chain of thoughts .

" are... you okay ? " Mina ask , a cresed present in her brows .
" ah y- yeah " she forced herself to smile .

They started walking back to the village . It's already dark but the vendors was still busy selling their products and many people , especially couples having a date . The people around them was wearing a kimono while the three of them was still wearing their clothes , where they find comfortable when they're having their trainings . 

" the festival is really coming " Sana said excitedly .
" the festival is tomorrow actually " Mina butted in . Sana just rolled her eyes at her direction .
" it's still the same "
" as you say "

" why don't we wash ourselves first ? We're kinda unpresentable " Hanabi gaze at her clothes .

So they decided to take a bath first before taking a stroll in the village . They also decided to wear a kimono .

So Hanabi wear her black kimono with red roses designed in it , above her knee and her hair in a ponytail as she tied the red ribbon that Kagura and Hayabusa gave her .

A faint smile escaped her lips upon remembering  Kagura and Hayabusa .
Her eyes started to watered as she stared at herself in the mirror .

" I pity you " a single drop of tear escaped her eyes but she immediately wipe it off when she heard Mina and Sana's voices outside their house . They were calling her name , saying they're already late so she exited her room .

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