ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #10 :

710 30 18

It's been a week since Hanzo abducted Hanabi and kept her in the abandoned mansion of shadow faction. It's also been a week since Hanabi tried to escaped but her plans didn't go well. One night, Hanzo saw her leaving the room and the demon immediately throwed her back in . She got so many wounds just trying to escaped every night but Hanzo was just so good in capturing her and you know the very first thing she knew while forcing herself to escape? It's the fact that she couldn't get out of this place without fighting nor dying. She realized those things while staring at the ceiling of her room , tears gliding down in her cheeks.

" are you sure you don't want to eat ? " Hanzo's voice pull her out of her chain of thoughts.
" why bother feeding me if I'll surely end up dead in this trashy, disgusting place ?" she said, still staring at the ceiling.
" if you say so. I'm not really forcing you to eat. If you want to die from hunger then it's your choice. I don't give a fuck "
" just.. get out . I don't really want to see you nor hear your voice tonight " she said in a weak voice.

She did'nt hear him respond, the creaking of the door was the only sound she heared letting her know that Hanzo finally left her room.

Hanabi sat up in her bed and gaze at the slightly open door. Checking if he's really gone. A deep sigh escape her lips.

" I badly wanna go home right now " she whispered in a weak voice, missing and remembering the memories when she's still in their village.

A forced smile escape her lips.

" Hayabusa " she mumble out of nowhere.

When she feels so lonely and hopeless. Hayabusa's face was always entering her mind. Reminding her that she have to live in able to see his face again, hear his voice, and touch him.

" I wonder if you're doing fine...with Kagura" a forced smile escape her lips.

She knows that she don't have place in Hayabusa's heart, that it all belonged to the onmyouji master. It has been and always been that blonde, umbrella girl. Hanabi knows it too well but no... She can't accept it, her heart can't accept it.

She held her chest, tight. It's aching again. Her heart is aching again. She felt her eyes watered but she hold it in and take a deep breath.

" I won't cry. I won't cry. I won't cry" she repeatedly mumble.

She takes a deep breath again and cleared her mind.

" It's fine " she comforted to herself.
" It's fine " she repeated.

Hours had passed and Hanabi felt hungry . She heard her stomach rumbles, so she decided to get up in her bed and walk to the direction of the kitchen , silently.

She don't want to make any sound . As you know, Hanzo was really sensitive to sounds. His extinct was just  so good.

Hanabi felt relief when she saw foods in the long table.

" oh thank God! " she said as she sat in a chair.

She automatically started eating as if she's been starving for years. As if Hanzo wasn't feeding her.

" hungry now ? " Hanabi flinched when she heard Hanzo's voice.

" you almost gave me a heart attack " she said while holding her chest.

Hanzo just chuckled.

The demon started walking to her direction and sat in the chair in front of her. They're facing each other.

" what are you doing? "
" joining you " he respond

Hanabi just rolled her eyes and continue having her dinner.

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