ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷6:

545 19 10

IT HAS BEEN A WEEK since that confession in Hanabi's room happened.

Hanabi and Hayabusa had gotten closer every time they spend time with each other, talking about some stuff that they both find interesting.

Usually, they spend most of their time training and sparring.

Just like now.

" arghh! " Hanabi grunts as Hayabusa hit her back. She hadn't trained for almost a month so her body finds it odd to throw a kick or punch or avoid an attack.

Hanabi hissed seeing his smirk, never leaving his face.

Hanabi grip the dagger tighter as she blink behind Hayabusa and was about to slash it on his lower back but the man immediately grabs her wrist noticing her presence behind him and abruptly twist the female ninja's arm making her whimper as she promptly taps the ground, a gesture for surrender.

Heavy pants escape Hanabi's lips as soon as Hayabusa lets go of her. Hayabusa extended his hand to help her stand up and she reach for it.

" are you alright? " Hayabusa asked. Hanabi just nodded as a response and headed to the shade of a tree near her, reaching for the wooden bottle on the ground and drinking from it.

She massages her arm and stretches it, trying to aid the pain away.

Hanabi closed her eyes and lift her head as heavy pants continuously escapes her lips. She feels tired and her body so heavy. Lately, her body can't cope with the draining activities, she wasn't doing anything when Hanzo kept her away for almost a month anyway, except for laying on the bed the whole time. So maybe her body got used to it.

A smile escapes Hanabi's lips unknowingly, her eyes still closed. The scene of Hanzo and her whenever they're arguing entered her mind. A chuckle escapes her lips when Hanzo's frowning face came into the scene.

" Hanabi "

Hanabi flinched, suddenly hearing Hayabusa's voice. She immediately opens her eyes and Hayabusa's baffled face was the first thing she saw, his brows furrowed as he wets his lip.

Hanabi fidgets, her face flushed while thinking how can he be so damn attractive just by doing the normal thing that people usually do.

Life is unfair, indeed.

" are you alright? " he asked. Hanabi nodded and looks away. Her heart hammered seeing the faint smile on his lips.

" Hanabi.. can I ask you something? " he asked once again. Hanabi lifted her gaze and finds into his eyes. Hanabi gulped as their eyes met.

Hanabi nodded before speaking.

" Uhm yeah, what is it? "

Hayabusa's brows furrowed as his facial expression turned serious. He steps closer, staring at her intently. His questioning stares were making Hanabi quiver, her fist clenched fighting the urge to look suspicious. She hasn't even know what his question was, but the look in his eyes tells it all.

" Mina has uhm... told me some details the day you went missing," he muttered, staring at her with dismay looking for the reaction he wanted to receive from the female ninja upon mentioning the topic.

Hanabi gulps. " w- what about that? " she responded, forcing a smile.

" She mentioned that before they thoroughly get far from the training ground, they came back to persuade you. Thinking that you might change your mind and go with them instead. " Hayabusa uttered.

Hanabi swallowed the lump in her throat as her hands started shaking caused by the fast beating of her heart. Her heart pounding hastily that she won't even wonder if Hayabusa might hear the loud beating of it.

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