ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸𝟹:

564 18 4

Soft grunts can be heard in a small, dark hut in the middle of the forest. A man wearing a mask was staring at a lady being tied to a chair. The man crosses his arms on his chest seeing the lady finally regaining consciousness.

" Who are you? " the lady asks as soon as her eyes laid on the man.
" Who was the guy with Hanabi? " Mina narrowed her eyes to recognize the stranger in front of her but the room is dark and she could hardly see a thing.
" Who are you? " the woman repeated with a weak voice. Another grunt escapes her lips feeling her head aching and her surroundings spinning.
" Who was the guy with Hanabi? " the man repeated in a rasping voice.
" I don't know what you're talking ab--- fuck! "

Mina wants to badly cup her swollen cheek but unfortunately, her hands are being tied.

" How could you fucking slap a fucking girl?! " she exclaimed.
" Are you going to answer my question or--- "
" or else you're going to kill me? " she cut his words off and scoffed " you don't even have the courage to show your face and you're telling me you're going to kill me? What a coward. "
" Why so desperate in seeing my face? Anyways, you're still going to die whether you see me or not "

Mina chuckled " try me "


A sigh escapes the female ninja's lips sensing that she's being followed. She crosses her arms on her chest and turned her back " Show yourself, I know you're following me. " she said bored while waiting for Hanzo to come out of wherever he was hiding.
" How did you know? " a voice suddenly made her flinch and was about to turn her back but a couple of arms wrapped around her waist which made her stop.

" You know I won't let you go there just by yourself," he said in a muffled sound and started smelling her hair like an addict.
" I can handle myself "
" Still, it's not safe "

Hanabi let out a deep sigh before untangling Hanzo's arms around her and facing him " I will come back. I promise "

Hanzo's brows furrowed but eventually slumped his shoulder " fine, just... Just be safe and come back. I'll wait for you "

" of course " the lady smiled and cupped the Akuma ninja's face, caressing it. " I'll be home before sunset, I promise "

Hanzo merely smiled and cupped her small face with his delicate yet rough hands, giving her forehead a quick kiss " after settling things with your father, come back as soon as possible"

Hanabi only nodded and took Hanzo's hands away from her face giving it an assuring squeeze before striding toward the direction of their village. She's going to talk and convince her father that she came back on her own and didn't bother to bid farewell to Hayabusa and Julian because she feels scared after seeing and battling with Hanzo. And of course, that's just another excuse to cover up her relationship with the Akuma ninja. As if she'll tell her father that Hanzo abducted her and they're currently living on the same roof.

The usual noisy market in the village welcomed her, nothing much actually changed. She put her mask on, feeling very uncomfortable by the unknowing stares of the people around her.

She took a step and then another one until she found herself striding towards the location of their home where her father the Grandmaster currently at.

The place seems so gloomy and empty. She hasn't even seen either, Mina or Sana, at the market earlier. Months had passed since they left and she was curious about their whereabouts. It's been a while since she last came here after talking to Mina and since then, she hasn't heard any news about her.

She let out a deep breath before pushing the gate which eventually made a creaking sound.

" Father? " she called, sweat started forming on her temple as she took a step towards the door. She reached the knob with a shaky hand, not so sure about coming in. She was about to twist the knob but a hand suddenly grasp her wrist which made her flinch.

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