Chapter 21 -- A new job

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[A/N: a bit OOC from Afuro and Kidou

At this point assume that every character is OOC]

When Chia saw the tie on the screen between Japan and Spain, she had never felt more relieved.

"They look so happy..." she whispered, a bit saddened by the thought that they could perform so well without her.

She should have quit sooner.

Chia turned off the TV in the clinic and rolled over to the side.

They could perform so well without her, why was she here anyway? Her purpose was to aid them in their weaknesses but their brute strength was all they needed to survive. Was Chia the deadweight in this team?

Maybe her scoliosis was a sign to stop, though it may not be as major as it was before. It had gotten bad enough for surgery from Orion.

How was Reinaldo now? Was he sent back to Orion to be "re-trained" or abandoned like- abandoned...

The door opened with a SLAM, Chia sat up to look at the same 2 people with suits.

"Orion..." She hissed.

"You have deemed yourself useless to Orion," The woman said, taking the lead.

"We will re-do the procedure as your membership is revoked," the man continued.

"Re-do what? The surgery happened and my spine is locked with your device, to take it off would kill me!" Chia backed off into the wall, the two came in closer. She was not a medical expert but she knew that the spine is sensitive, so she was surprised when her surgery was successful in the first place.

"We have a fail-safe device, don't worry, it will only hurt a bit,"

Chia blacked out the next.

She could feel every neuron of her spine locking and unlocking in a mechanism-like manner. She tried to scratch her back but the movement hurt more.


Clario started running when he could hear the familiar scream. The team's heart collectively dropped by the horrible sound, though it was followed by a string of swearing so she may be fine and found some minor inconveniences.

There was a glimpse of two figured suits exiting the clinic but that wasn't his main priority, he could find them later.

"Chico go!" Clario screamed.

Chico, the second fastest in the team, ran faster to reach Chia. It wasn't by a long shot but he needed to scoop out the potential dangers.

Clario nearly paused in his tracks when he saw the glowing Orion Mark at the back of her neck.

Cherry was facing away from them, huddled in the same curled position with her screaming died down, but she started crying.

"Chia I need you to breathe," Coach Pepe held her hand, hoping to calm down the shaking girl. "Where does it hurt?"


"Did those Orion bitches mark her?!" Bergamo pulled away the hair to see the mark. There was a rim of red surrounding the mark, making it look newly tattooed.

"They were trying to force Chia into Orion?!" a slight growl could be heard from Luther's voice, who was clenching his fist and about to leave-

"Luther don't chase after them." a commanding tone fit for a coach, "they could come with backup, we don't need to lose another one of us-"

[HIATUS] Cherry on the field | Inazuma ElevenWhere stories live. Discover now