Chapter 16 -- Orion and Reinaldo

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On the 1st game into the preliminaries, Chia was smug and confident.

She stood in line, the crowd was cheering. The enemy team was whispering.

"Yo, Chia, is that you?" he surprisingly knew Spanish, he was Italian.

"Yeah, why? You like my new look?" She gave her signature smile.

"Yea- Yes!" the other boys in the line slapped him on the back and spoke in their own language.

Chia could feel Reinaldo giving the biggest eye roll behind her back.

The captains of each team marched forward and everyone followed suit. The cheering grew louder and the announcer's voice was blaring through the speakers. They followed the normal procedures: sing the national anthem, shake hands, have final talks with the coach and get into position. As usual, Chia was a starter.

"STOP SHAKING YER LEGS YOU DIMWIT. PEOPLE ARE WATCHING." Domelgo and Rufino covered their ears again from assistant coach Merina's voice. Why is this her default voice? Chia felt pity for Domelgo and Rufino.

"CHIA! I LOVE YOUR HAIR," The audience shouted, she wined in that general direction, and they screamed louder. It was like serotonin in her veins.

"I KNOW RIGHT YOU LOOK LIKE SHEIT," Oh no... no, no, no, no, no, no. Chia the very Romanio recognised that voice.

"CHICO BE QUIET," Chia screamed. Her teammate Chico was confused, she whispered 'no not you.'

"AW C'MON, WHY ARE YOU SHUTTING ME UP, BABY SISTER?" she wants to bury him alive. Lo and behold, the whispering started amongst the audience.

"Chia had a brother?"

"Wait who?"

"Chia has a brother?!?!?!?"

"Wait where is he?"

"Is it that brown-haired guy?"

"Omg, he looks so hot!"

"It runs in the family,"

"Is the Romanio family that good-looking?"

"Does he need a girlfriend?"

Chia stunned the audience talking amongst themselves and instead focused on the announcer. The whistle blew, and Chia ran forward.

Chia sweated worse than her previous year's preliminaries. Is it because she's trying to show off as a forward? Most likely.

3-0, Muteki no Giant's win.

"We survived!"

"We did it!" the newbies proclaimed, surviving through their very first outside of Spain. Chia was also rejoicing on being able to score the goal. One from Chia, one from Clario and one from Bergamo (with Chia's assistance).

Coach Pepe coughed very loudly. Immediately, the team lined up and shook hands again before moving away.

As they were going into the tunnel to the changing rooms, there was a set of footsteps increasing in speed and volume.

"Uh, guys," little Chico asked, "Do you hear that?"

"Yeah," Chia replied, "I wonder wha-"

She was knocked over and lifted into the air like Simba from The Lion King.

"Look at little Cherry scoring a goal!" Chico swung her around. Chia's teammates looked concerned but were also laughing from the sides.


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