Chapter 12 -- Chia? What's wrong with you-

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I realised that I had forgotten to look back at my old notes. There's the new one:

Japanese is in italics

Normal is Spanish


It wasn't long before the Japan National Team was introduced. Chia didn't want to train for her new role yet and instead resorted to showing off Japan to her two friends (they were crashing at her apartment, specifically the couch, Bergamo got the floor).

But here they were in this building that wasn't as big as the one in Spain, but it was still pretty decent.

"Are you sure they're coming and not running away?" Bergamo had a plain grey hoodie and his hands behind his head. No amount of convincing from Chia would make his fashion sense get better.

"Shh, I can hear them coming," Chia wore her hair in a bun this time, hiding all its length. She had a plain blue summer dress but it was cute in a simplistic way. If she were to play soccer right now she has shorts underneath and she could fold the dress into a shirt.

"Allow me to introduce you to a special guest today!" It was trainer Zhou's voice.

"That's our cue," Clario said, leading the way inside to meet the players, Bergamo and Chia followed suit.

All the members of the Japanese team gaped at the sudden appearance. Ah yes, shove all the attention to Chia, she adores it.

"This is the captain of Spain's team, Mr. Clario Orvan! And the mighty striker, Bergamo Regult! Lastly, the iconic Chia Romanio!"

"Nice to meet you," Clario said, in that same monotonous voice, can't he act surprised at least?

"It's Clario Orvan!" Kidou remarked, then made eye contact with Chia, "Oh Chia,"

The girl heard her name being called second, "I'm offended that you didn't call me first." Kidou rolled his eyes and Chia could sense that through his goggles (glasses). Don't get her wrong, she's been studying Japanese... but she was never good at studying. It started off as her saying 'I will master Japanese and show it off!' then changing to 'I'll resort to my old ways and sleep through class again.' She is trying, to the best of her abilities.

"A world player!" Asuto said with delight. And again, turning to Chia s a second priority, "Hi Chia-Cherry! I have been practising Spanish more!"

Oh her precious baby Asuto, he's growing up so fast. Chia might adopt him at this point. Goenji had this distinct look of caution in the corner, including some players. Of course! They're in the presence of a world player and someone who beat them in the practice match!

"Our wish has been granted!" Huira followed up.

Trainer Zhou- actually, he's now coach Zhou- Coach Zhou clapped for attention, "I'd like you all to have a little contest with Mr. Clario," Chia held up a hand against Bergamo telling him to stop translating. She picked up the word contest and Clario's name, as well as the word 'you all'. Chia can guess the rest, she'll only call on Bergamo to translate.

"Why haven't they noticed me yet?" The other pink-haired haired whispered to Chia.

"Maybe you're not that important," She joked, then proceeded to get an elbow jab from him. Clario glared at them.

Meanwhile, the Japan representative team gasped in shock and confusion.

"A contest?" Kidou questioned. Was he the voice of the team? Most likely, he is the mastermind after all.

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