Chapter 3 - a final battle

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"Anything in underline is spoken in Japanese,"

"Anything in bold is the hissatsu technique,"

"Normal speech is just Spanish"


The team gained three new special members across the year: the arrogant Luther, the enthusiastic Bergamo, and the cute and adorable Alonso! You can tell which one is Chia's favourite.

[Clario and Chia are in their third year of junior high, Luther, Bergamo and Alonso are in their second year]

Luther would ask for a match once a week and would be defeated by Chia or Clario (or even both on a duo vs duo, Luther's partner being Bergamo), there are times when Chia's mood wasn't well and Clario restrained Luther from challenging her.

Soon Luther would be able to differentiate between Chia's moody personality and know when to do what, this also goes for Bergamo, he is talkative like Chia, some would think that they're siblings for their matching pink hair. But Bergamo would be quiet on days that Chia isn't feeling well and become a chatterbox when Chia is in a good mood.

Alonso took longer, at the beginning to get to know them, whenever Chia goes up to him- he runs in the other direction. It was a repetitive action that stopped within a month when Alonso finally listened to what Chia would say, and they did have a lot in common: shopping, travelling, and music taste.

The seniors have graduated and therefore the recruits replaced them, she didn't mention how Clario was just a smudge bit jealous of Alonso receiving the number 1, but Clario's mood brightened (Chia can finally tell the different emotions of Clario, even though he barely shows any, she has learnt his habits) when he was announced as the new captain of the team, as well as winning the football frontier two years in a row ever since Chia and Clario entered junior high.

They trained till they dropped every day for the Spain tournament [idk what it's called so I'm calling it that], they claimed the title last year and the year before, and they will claim it again.

"Everyone is dismissed except for Chia and Clario, I need to talk to you two," Bergamo and Luther chuckled to the two "oh no you're in trouble!" then proceeded to run to the change rooms, Alonso just waved and Chia waved back.

"What do you need us for, coach?" Clario opened his mouth first, the coach didn't have a good look on his face, the coach's nose scrunched up and he wrapped his arms around him.

"This is for Chia, but she would most likely want a friend to carry the news with her," this is never good, throughout the year Chia had become very emotional, especially with her mood swings (Luther spouted "it's probably puberty" and got smacked by Bergamo), "During the monthly health check-up, the doctors have noticed something was wrong with you, and so they did further analysations from the videos of you playing soccer, as well as the trip to the doctor that we recommended your parents too," Chia remembered her parent's bringing her to the doctors out of nowhere, she didn't think twice about it, those X-rays and being scanned over and over.

Chia played with her bracelet that she bought a few days back out of impulse, twisting it around and rolling the beads. Clario took a step closer to Chia getting ready to comfort her. The coach pulled out a file and handed it to Chia, she unwrapped the folder- hesitating on it's contents.

It was an X-ray of her spine, a spine that doesn't look normal, it curved too much on the top half to the right, but the bottom half is normal. Chia reached to her back to trace the spine and noticed that it did curve abnormally, how did she not notice it before?

"You have scoliosis, Chia, I'm sorry to say that," Chia wanted to cry, to collapse on the floor, but she knew that the coach wasn't finished talking, she can tell that good news is coming. She can cry later, "your last match would be against Raimon in Japan, we will go there in a week for an opening match, and once everyone goes back to Spain, you would stay there,"

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