Chapter 20 - Japan vs Spain (pt. 2)

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[A/N: I wrote the whole chapter drunk, next morning I had to edit a lot of stuff.

I originally wrote my chapters in notion first then copied and pasted it over to Wattpad. So right now when I put only italics it would come up in bold or BOTH blood and italics.

Can't be bothered changing it so imma keep it that way.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Also slight OOC from Nosaka but bear with me, I was drunk and I'm keeping it]

"2-1! The first half ends with Spain's team in the lead!"

Each team took a break, the reserves passed out water and towels and their assistant coach.

Chia looked over to the Japan team, some had worried faces on with a few already injured. Asuto could've been one of them, if not then already sent away to the hospital with a major injury. But the Orions need to do what they must.

She stopped playing with the flower that Froy gave her, returning it to her bag.


Ichihoshi knew that something weird was going on with Chia Romanio, the so-called 'it-girl' of soccer, and his theories was confirmed when he saw a glimpse of her back, specifically the neck. From a normal perspective, there was nothing new, but in Ichihoshi's eyes, he knew that mark since he was a child. The only question is "Why?"

Chia had everything she ever wanted, he knew because of Orion's information and research. She was popular, and kind, and never bullied or got bullied. She was in the top team in Spain and made it to the nationals without strings pulled.

He was jealous, and he'd willingly admit it loudly if someone asked.

But before looking at others, he needed to look and fix himself first. After that, he'll try his best and become like Chia- someone he looked up to and hated.

"Nosaka," Ichihoshi called to the team,

"You've finished analyzing?" he replied.

"Yes," Ichihoshi nodded, "Spain's weakness is its strong physique. Because Spain is so physically strong, they charge through the defence without avoiding them."

Nosaka added, "So we can use that playing style of theirs to our advantage," he closed his eyes and thought for a second.

"But what about Chia?" Asuto spoke up. Chia was one of the people he looked up to, her dribbling was out of this world! Though... even if they've managed to get this far, he knew that he still wasn't in her league.

"It's ok, I can deal with her." Nosaka volunteered, a sly smirk on his face.


"Now the second half begins!"

Spain kept the same line-up as they did at the end of the first half. Sometimes, Chia missed her spot in the middle, but right now she needs to adjust to be at the front. Shooting may not be her passion but she can do anything as long as the camera points in her direction.

Luther starts with the ball, charging straight ahead, not wavering. He has grown within the year, he went from a bulldozer to... still a bulldozer but he got the right head on his shoulder's this time.

Inamori heads straight for Luther but the orange haired-boy doesn't back down. Both kick at the ball with Luther having an advantage with his strength- huh? Huira was right behind him, helping Asuto up from his knockback. Luther was surprised.

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