Chapter 7 - a start for everything

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Flashback + lore time besties

I had a lot of free time so here's another chap even though it's very early


"I think I'm being kidnapped," said Chia, who is as tall as her mother's hips, and nearing her 8th birthday. Little Chia had her hair brown and short like a bob. Surprisingly, she was chubby and squish-able, the older Chia would debate that it was a healthy-fat baby usually have, but to be honest she just love eating a lot as a child, and barely ran around, preferring to stay inside.

"No, no, no, you're not little pinky. He's qualified I'm sure of it, I even checked," Pinky was a nickname she was given young because she loved the colour pink, but also because she was taught it was rude to point at people, so instead she points at everything with her pinky finger.

There he is, a long, purple-haired man coming to greet the Romanio family.

"Hey there little chia," the man crouched down to meet her gaze, "my name's Manny," [pronounced: Mah-ni, or money with an ah]

Chia peaked out of the long skirt her mother wore, she was shy, but her eyes were shining on meeting new people (even though she thought she was getting kidnapped, that was in the past now).

"Hello," the girl replied, Manny smiled and nodded, then stood up to talk to her parents about the practice.

They didn't have to travel far, the Romanio family's house had a big backyard, enough to cater for Chia and Manny. While the parents did their work; the father a computer scientist, worked at home, and the mother owned a hair salon, connected to the house.


"I HATE MANNY," here is little Chia clinging onto her mother's skirt again, hiding from Manny... again.

"C'mon little Chia, it's part of training," her mother tries to soothe her.

"BUT MAAAAAAAAAAA, DANCING IS NOT SOCCEERRRR," she was already wailing, refusing to train with Manny.

It had been only a week since the start of training, Chia put up with these random requests of "go and walk to the beat," or "try and imagine the ball as your dance partner," Chia had enough. It wasn't the soccer that she saw her primary school classmates playing where they would be trained military style to shoot a ball, or do push-ups. Despite her weak and feminine stature, she still wanted to be like them.

"Being able to dance helps you communicate with the ball," Manny tried his best, he swears. He's very patient and loves kids, he understood why Chia was like this, but her mother was a bit embarrassed by Chia's tantrum, she was never like this before (except for not getting the item that she wants in the store... never mind, she's always like this).

"It's fine Mrs. Romanio, this is normal and it would take time, how about we take a break for 2-3 days? She may come to her senses again," Chia wished he never returned.


The brown-haired girl was furious, there she was at her school, watching the boys play soccer while the girls sit on the bench. It was an optional sport since it was a festival day, so you can choose to relax. All the boys are playing and the girls are chatting.

She wanted to chat with her friends, but she was too busy being jealous of the boys being able to play.

"Do you want to join us?" Oh, it's him, Chia never talked to him much. He was very introverted and sometimes isolated because of his scary face and his huge form, Chia may be chubby but she thinks the boy was just born that way.

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